Blood Sharing

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Jayla's P.O.V

It was still dark outside and the wind had picked up, I curled myself closer to the window watching the trees sway "hey"I rolled my eyes as I turned to see Damon sitting on my bed, I ignored him and turned back to the window. Elena and Stefan were up on the roof so they could talk leaving Damon and I in the house "Bonnie made you this, I had her make it this morning" Damon said softly, I looked over my shoulder to see him holding a small blue daylight ring, it was kind of beautiful. Signing, I turned to face him fully and held my hand out "thank you" I mumbled as he slid the ring on to my finger.

I turned my hand around admiring the ring "everything's going to change now, isn't it?" I stated at Damon, who glanced away from me "we'll get though it, you'll get through it" was his response while he shuffled back so that he was leaning against the headboard of my bed. I tucked a stay hair behind my ear as I gazed over at Damon who had closed his eyes "are you still mad at me about the accident" I asked standing up with a small smile, Damon kept his eyes closed and propped his arms behind his head. I walked over and jumped on my bed next to him "well too bad, It was my choice and I choose to save Matt" I turned onto my side so my back was facing Damon "so please get over it" I mumbled in to my pillow, I smiled slightly when I felt Damon's arms slid around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"Do you think we can do it" I asked nervously as I followed behind Elena into the boarding house, Elena sent me a reassuring smile "Jayla after everything we've been through I'm almost certain we can do anything" She stated hooking her arm in mine, I chuckled and lent my head against her shoulder "I hope so" I mumbled. Stefan was teaching us how to hunt animals today because, well it beats hurting as innocent person. As we approached Stefan's room I could hear Damon and Stefan arguing about something "hey what's going on" Elena asked barging in to the room, interrupting the heated debate, Stefan turned to look at us "oh we're just having a little disagreement on process" Stefan stated sending a glare at Damon "I take it you're still not on board with the plan" I groaned stepping closer to him, Damon looked down at me and crossed his arms over his chest "nope, I say rip off proverbial band aid and let it bleed. You're a vampire Jayla, be a vampire" Damon stated while Stefan walked around stuffing various supplies in to his rucksack. raising my brows at Damon before spinning around and following Stefan and Elena out of the room "Vampires eat people, it's part of the food pyramid. Trust me you'll be miserable"

I cringed watching Elena sink her teeth into the poor helpless deer "come on Jalya, you can do it" Stefan said softly, I got down on my knees next the animal and bared my fangs. I plunged my teeth in to the neck of the deer, I felt the red iron like liquid fill my mouth as I swallowed urgently. I pulled away from the animal and jumped to my feet, wiping my mouth furiously "it's okay, you did it" Stefan said proudly and handed me a napkin to wipe away the remaining blood "I know its hard but I promise it will get better"

"Come on just push of this leg with all you strength" Stefan instructed laughing at Elena's poor stance "look just like Jayla" Elena looked over at my perfect positioning and chuckled "Jayla was always a better cheerleader than me, I sucked at track" I burst out laughing as the memories of Elena's many trips and falls filled my head "she's right" Stefan smiled at us both before crouching down in to the same position we were in "look you just push off this leg and-" he started to explain but I had already took off at an inhumanly sped "just like that" Stefan mumbled in the distance. Suddenly I came to a stop and tumbled to the floor clutching my stomach, I whipped my hair out of my face as the blood I had consumed starting to come back up, coating the forest floor. Great now Stefan will made me hurt Bambi again.

"Did you do it " I snapped sitting down on the bar stool next to Damon, apparently someone blew up the council members "did you set off the explosion that killed the entire town council" I whispered leaning closer to him, Damon turned in his seat to look at me " am I wearing my 'I blew up the council' shirt today, why does everyone keep asking me that" he questioned sarcastically, I signed leaning on the bar and glancing around the grill "did you" I asked again but softer "no now anything else" Damon snapped sipping his drink.

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