Bound By Magic

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Jayla's P.O.V

"I hate this room" I stated as I stared at the dark walls "yeah me too" Jeremy agreed turning to Elena and I "I'm going to grab a drink from downstairs, do you want one" I nodded and smiled at him "just some water, please Jere" Jeremy nodded and disappeared downstairs "how are you holding up" I asked Elena once Jeremy was out of hearing "I'm just trying to keep busy so I don't have time to think about it" she answered honestly, I smiled slightly at her "yeah, me too." suddenly my phone started ringing causing me to jump, I puled out my phone and stared down at the caller ID "Alaric" Elena breathed out from behind me "whoever this is, it isn't funny" I growled in to the speaker "well who else would it be" I froze staring at Elena "Ric" my voice sounded like a whimper "listen closely I'm at the school, I have Caroline and it you want to keep her alive I suggest you and Elena get in your car and drive down here, if you tell any one I will kill her" I dropped the phone, Elena looked at me with panic "whats going on" she asked quickly. I placed my finger over my lips silencing her "come on we need to go"

Elena followed behind as we entered the school, I had told her everything Ric said on the way here. I paused outside Ric's classroom and took a deep breath before going in "ah right on time" Ric mocked from behind his desk, Caroline was sat at one of the desks with pencils embedded in her hands, pinning them to the table and a gag tied around her mouth. Elena and I stood in the doorway staring at the horrific sight "Caroline, Let her go Alaric" Elena spat, Alaric smirked and waved his hand "free her yourself" I stared at him looking for any kind of trick as I slowly made my way over to Caroline with Elena following closely behind, I knelt down and slowly began to pry the pencil out. Suddenly Alaric's hand came down slamming the pencil back in as Caroline cried out in agony. I jumped up and faced Alaric "you said that you would let her go" I snapped at him, Alaric stepped closer "how many times do I have to tell you Jayla, Stop trusting vampires" he yelled back as he pushed me in to the seat next to Caroline.

"no, no please stop" Caroline cried as Alaric placed a newly vervain soaked rag in to Caroline's mouth "Alaric stop" I screeched standing up "sit down" his spat pushing me roughly back in to my seat "this keeps the verain in her system, its like a thousand razor blades" I cringed at the thought and lent forward to rub Caroline's arm " why are you doing this" Elena asked, Alaric pulled out the stake and turned to look at us " because it'll be easier on you when you both put her out of her misery" "what no" Elena spat "ahh come on girls you wanted me to teach you how to kill a vampire and well here's a vampire" he held the stake out to me "kill her" I shook my head at head him "this isn't what I wanted" I sneered, Alaric smirked at me "of course it is, all those hours you spent training to get stronger, you could be a hunter Jayla. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart, now kill her" I pushed the stake away "why are you doing this" Elena raised her voice this time.

Alaric began to pace back and forth "because you need me, because your a pair of 18 year old girls with out parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong" He stated turning to us "how is this right" I growled refereeing to Caroline "shes a murderer, she told me she killed someone and liked it, so how is that right. Listen girls your parents were with the council and it was their lifes mission to keep this town safe. They were dead six months before you undid it all" he spat staring at Elena before looking back at me "you don't know anything about them" I spat angrily "why am I wrong, do you actually think they'd be proud of you" he knelt down in front of us "if you don't side with the humans then your just as bad as them. Now kill her" he held the stake back out to me "or I'll do it for you" when I didn't move he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to Caroline forcing the stake in to my hand.

I stood for a moment before swing the stake back aiming for Alaric but he caught my arm "I thought I taught you better than that" I picked up the cup of vervain without him noticing "you did" I smashed the cup against the side of his face burning him, Alaric dropped and groaned in pain. Elena quickly untied Caroline "run get help" she told her as Caroline ran, Alaric was quick to stop us from following. My body collided with the lockers and then with the floor, my head pounded with the impact and for a moment stars danced across my vision.

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