Heartless Crimes

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Jayla's P.O.V

I hit the punching bag again moving it slightly, I continue to hit the bag harder and harder before throwing in a kick "your going to put a hole in that thing" Ric commented holding the bag still while I threw another kick at it "I'm just channeling frustration, I need a coffee" I stated walking over to the coffee machine that sat on the counter "how are you feeling" I asked Ric "apart from almost dying I'm fine, Damon's compulsion really worked. Jeremy was up and packing when I left the house, he was going on about how good this new school is" I stiffened at mention of Damon "so urm have you spoken to Damon today at all" Ric raised his eyebrows at me "no, why" I shook my head dismissively "no reason, I have to go its Caroline's birthday today and I want to get to school early to decorate her locker" I explained grabbing my coat and my keys "okay well I see you later at home" I kissed his cheek and headed to school.

I helped Elena as we pinned birthday decorations to Caroline's locker "she should be here by now" I whined holding the bag of gifts I got her, before Elena could reply Bonnie came rushing towards us "sorry I'm late guys" she stated holding a sign that said 'Happy Birthday Caroline' I chuckled taking it from her "don't worry we just got here" Elena confessed pinning the sign Caroline's now brightly decorated locker "what had you running late" Bonnie asked curiously "I was working out with Ric, you" Bonnie hesitated slightly "I was just practicing some new spells" I nodded, Elena signed heavily before turning to look at Bonnie "there's something I have to tell you and your not going to like it" I stared at the ground avoiding getting involved "what,happen" Bonnie asked with a concerned expression "Jeremy's leaving town for a while just until all this Klaus stuff blows over" Elena explained grabbing my hand "Jeremy wouldn't just leave you both to deal with Klaus" I looked up at her "I know which is why Elena had Damon compel him" Bonnie expression twisted with anger "you did what" she hissed "Bonnie its safer for him" Elena tried to reason, I was distracted by my phone buzzing. I unlocked my phone and opened the new message.

'Won't be at school, love you' - CareBear

I groaned cutting off Elena's and Bonnie's disagreement "come on Caroline's ditching school" I stated bluntly as I picked up my bags and began walking down the hall "what are we doing" Elena asked walking beside me "we are going to surprise Caroline at her house"

Matt, Elena, Bonnie and I hid behind Caroline's lounge door "shh here she comes" the front door opened and Caroline walked in, she placed her keys in the stain glass bowl that sat on the table stand "surprise" we all yelled as we jumped out, Caroline jumped slightly before smiling "what are you guys doing here" she smiled "well since you decided to skip school and miss all the hard work we put in to decorating your locker we decided to surprise you" I exclaimed dramatically "thanks guys, but I'm not really feeling my birthday this year" Caroline said quietly, I raised my eyebrows at her "Caroline you officially made your birthday our favourite day of the year" Bonnie stated smiling "yeah well now its just a reminder that technically I'm dead, I didn't even like 17 the whole point of 17 is to get to 18. I'm stuck in a filler year" she gushed and I could see the pain in her eyes "your not stuck Caroline" I said stepping towards her "don't worry guys, I'll be fine. I just need time to wallow in it" Caroline pouted, suddenly an idea popped in to my head "I think I have an idea"

I giggled as Matt caught me from almost tripping again "this is creepy" Bonnie stated as I opened the heavy door to the tomb "Caroline's right, technically she's dead so it's not a birthday she needs its a funeral" I explained sitting the cake down "so she can say goodbye to her old life" Elena bumped her shoulder against mine "nice idea sis" I chuckled. I picked up the cake "nice" Elena complimented as Bonnie lit the candles using her magic "so Caroline, an amazing best friend and a shoulder to cry on, Captain of the cheerleading squad" I smiled holding up the cake "daughter, over achiever" Bonnie continued "mean girl, sometimes" Matt laughed. We all smiled as I held the cake closer "make a wish Care" she closed her eyes and blew out the candles.

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