Abbie Wilson

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Jayla's P.O.V

"So this is where Stefan been hiding the coffins" I stated standing in the old witch house "I can't believe I never thought of that" Bonnie nodded, the witches were hiding the coffins so Klaus wouldn't find them "what the hell Bonnie, I thought we agreed on keeping these two out of it" Stefan spat walking in "what are you going to do Stefan lock us up so we keep your secret" Elena spat crossing her arms over her chest "don't tempt me, what are you doing Bonnie" Stefan stated "I'm sorry Stefan but I think I know who can help open the last coffin and I need their help" Bonnie explained digging through her bag, she pulled out a picture and held out for us to see "the woman from my dream I recognized her but I couldn't place her face at first, then I remembered" I stared down at the picture.of Bonnie and her mom "oh my God, Bonnie are you sure" I whispered knowing that this was a sensitive topic for her "yeah, it's my mom"

I sat at the table in between Elena and Bonnie, we were looking through files trying to find Bonnie's mom "what about this one" Elena asked holding up a picture "no to old" I placed it on the pile of pictures we've looked through "Bonnie I know we haven't talked since the other night and I just wanted to say I sorry" she looked over at me "no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Your doing it to protect Jeremy" I smiled. The front door opened and Damon came strolling in "here you go" he slapped a picture down on the table "Abbie Bennett Wilson, I call shot gun" Damon teased, Bonnie grabbed the picture and stared at it "no Damon" I stated standing up, Damon stepped closer to me "what, want me to ride back seat with you" I glared "no Bonnie is about to meet her mom for the first time in 16 years and I don't want your sarcastic comments ruining that for her" I explained. Damon stared at me before smiling and tilting his head to the side "what's going on with you two" Elena asked eyeing Damon and I "Jayla and I kissed and now it's awkward" Damon said smirking, I glared up at him while Elena and Bonnie stared at me in shock. Damon smiled down at me with a sparkle in his eyes, before he got up and walked away.

I sat in the front seat of Bonnie's car, while Elena sat in the back "how are you feeling Bonnie" I asked her "I'm scared and um nervous. I mean she just left, no letter no phone call she just left" Bonnie breathed out "but I'm not going to get my mom back I'm going to get her help" I nodded learning back in my seat "let's change the subject, so you kissed Damon" Bonnie teased "okay let's change the subject again" I exclaimed quickly "was it good" she asked clearly ignoring me, Elena let forward so she was in between mine and Bonnie's seat and stared at me, waiting for an answer "it doesn't matter because it's not going to happen again" I stated firmly.

Elena and Bonnie shared a look "that means it was good" they both confirmed. I rolled my eyes as I learnt further back in my seat "can we just talk about something else, I don't want to think about it" I exclaimed huffing, there was a short silence when Bonnie's iPhone rang "Stefan" Bonnie said looking down at the caller ID, before she could touch it I picked it up and answered it "hey Stefan" I greeted sweetly "Jayla where are you, have you found Bonnie's mom yet" he asked slowly "no.Bonnie, Elena and I decided to take a break and continue looking through the photos at the lake house" I lied smoothly I could here him snort slightly "okay Jayla I'll talk to you later" he said before hanging up, Elena gave me a look before speaking "what do you think is in the fourth coffin" Bonnie shrugged slightly "I don't know, my dreams have been telling us that whatever it is, is the answer to killing Klaus" I shivered as her words, Klaus is supposed to be the unkillable. So if we do manage to kill him, there are sure as hell going to be some serious consequences.

We pulled in to the drive of a small, but very cute house. I got out and waited for Bonnie and Elena to get out "this is it" Bonnie breathed straightening out her outfit "yeah are you ready to see your mom" Elena asked grabbing my hand " as I said I'm not here to get my mom back" we walked up the porch steps and knocked on the front to door. After a moment of silence Bonnie turn "oops look no one's home, time to go" I went to pull her back but she had already collided with another body "urn hey can I help you" a boy asked, he was maybe a couple years older than us with light brown skin and green eyes "yes do know where Abbie Wilson is" I asked confidentially before Bonnie could chicken out "yeah she just popped to the store, she should be back soon. Would you like to come in" he asked politely, I flashed him a smile before nodding "have we meet before, you just look really familiar" he asked staring at Bonnie "no but Abbie, Abbie's my mom" Bonnie stuttered out, he looked at Bonnie in shock for a moment before his expression returned back to its smile "well I'm Jamie" he held the front door opened for us.

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