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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat and listen to every thing Rose told us about who Klaus was and why he wants us, I tried to remain calm as thoughts and images of mine and Elena's future,  if Klaus ever discovered us "it's going to be okay" Damon whispered in my ear and that's all it took to make me snap. I stood up and turned to them "no it's not okay, you're telling me that the oldest and strongest vampire ever is after us, how is that okay" I snapped looking down at them "Jay calm down" Stefan cooled I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding "I'm fine I just need to get my head straight" I stated in a steady voice. I turned to Rose "yesterday when you noticed there was two of us you were surprised so clearly you weren't expecting it, but you said we are dopplegangers so you should have know we would be twins" I told her, Rose signed and sat down " that's the part I don't understand there is only supposed to be one doppleganger it's impossible the original doppleganger was an only child and so was Katerina so it's completely impossible" she repeated, I chuckled and gestured my hand between Elena and I "apparently not that impossible" she smiled slightly and sat down "good point" I turned to Elena picking up my coat, I handed Elena hers "wait where are you two going" Stefan asked as he followed us to the door with Damon behind him "school, don't worry Bonnie will be there we will be fine" Damon shook his head firmly but Stefan agreed "okay, I'll meet you there I just have to do something first" we nodded and headed out of the door.

Once we where in Elena's car she turned the engine on then she turned to me "I have an idea but there's no way Stefan would let me or you do it so I need you to keep him busy while I go to the tomb and get so answers from Katherine"I smirked turning to her "so we're going behind Stefan and Damon's back" she nodded slowly "will you be okay" I asked her as she pulled out of the drive way "I'll be okay, I'll drop you off at the grill then get Caroline to come with me to the tomb"

I strolled into the grill and pulled out my phone dialing Stefan's number "Stefan can you meet me at the grill it's important"I asked innocently as I heard him chuckle "okay Jayla, where is Elena" he asked casually, I blinked and thought of a lie quickly "she's at school with Bonnie" I heard him sign then reply "okay I'm on my way" I hung up and placed my phone in my jean pocket.

Five minutes later Stefan walked into the grill "so what's so important" he teased already sensing some thing was up "nothing just needed someone to have lunch with me and talk to about all this Klaus stuff"I told him truthfully, he nodded and sat down opposite me "how are you doing with all this Klaus stuff" Stefan asked gently, I looked away from him "I'm frustrated because we can't do anything to stop it" I confessed as he signed "I know but I'm sure we can figure it out " I shook my head and picked at my salad "no Stefan we can't either way one of us is going to be sacrificed and I would rather it me than her and -" Stefan cut me off "and she would rather her than you and because you are both so stubborn and caring that's going to be an issue" I smiled agreeing with him "which is why when the time comes you and Damon have to let me be sacrificed and protect Elena" i watched as his face drained of colour "no I'm not doing that I could never do that to Elena or you and there's no way Damon will let you" I sipped my drink ignoring him "your not being sacrificed Jayla, now I need to go find Elena" I jumped to my  feet "no you can't.........we haven't had dessert yet" he turned to me eyeing me "what are you hiding Jayla because your an even worse liar than Caroline" I looked around avoiding his gaze "urg fine Elena went see Katherine" he signed and pulled me towards his car "come on" I got in as he started the engine speeding down the roads..

Stefan dragged me in to the tomb just as Elena was leaving "Elena don't listen to anything she tells you" Stefan snarled grabbing Elena's shoulders "but what if she's right Stefan, Klaus killed her entire family just because she crossed him" Elena whispered staring up at him with watery eyes "I have no reason to lie Elena, oh look its my favourite twin hello Jayla" I ignored Katherine and turned towards Elena and Stefan "you manipulative bitch" Stefan sneered at  Katherine "Klaus will turn up and when he does he will kill any one who stands in his way of breaking the curse, and I'll be in the tomb where no vampire will enter because they can't get back out, I'll be the safest manipulative bitch in town" she smirked evilly at us, Stefan and Elena ignored her and turned to leave, just as I was about to follow them Katherine spoke "Klaus won't believe his eyes when he sees you Jayla"..................

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