Vicki Donovan

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat next to Elena in Ric's car while he put Stefan's limp body into the back of the car "he will get better Elena. I promise" she turned her head to look at me "what if we never get the old Stefan back" I shook my head at her and squeezed her hand "we will and I know this because your the one who's going to bring him back" she smiled slightly "thanks Jay" I smiled back and lent back in my seat as Ric closed the back door.

"Jayla, Elena get out now" I jumped at the sound of Ric's panicked voice, I looked around to see brightly coloured flames surrounding the car, my hand instantly went to open the door but it wouldn't move "Jayla my door is jammed" Elena screeched hitting the window "mine is too" I got up on to my knees and climbed over the seats, Ric was trying to smash the glass but it wasn't working.  Elena screamed, she was caught on something as she tried to climb over the seats "Elena, give me your hand" I gasped out as the smoke filled both of our lungs.

I fell back slightly and Elena fell forward "Stefan" she gasped out as he began to stir, I heard a groan pass his lips as he kicked the back door of the car causing it to break. Elena crawled out and dragged me out with her "come on now" Ric said as he grabbed us "no we need to get Stefan" Elena and Ric helped a now conscious but weak Stefan out of the car before it completely burst in to flames.

I sat on the next to the sink in Damon's bathroom as I tried to apply first aid to my burned cheek "here let me" Damon tried taking the first aid kit from me but I moved my hand "no I can do it" he ignored me and took it anyway, I looked up to see him staring down at me "Jayla you almost got barbecued tonight and the least I could do is apply first aid" I hissed as he used the cotton bud to clean my cheek "you did a good job distracting Rebekah tonight" I confessed sweetly, the corners of Damon's mouth twitched upwards "so did you" I looked up into his blue eyes and chuckled "I was acting" he let a smile appear on his lips "yeah well so was I".

When he finished with my cheek he pulled me down off of the counter "come on" he whispered taking my hand in his as he led me down stairs "hey Ric sorry about the car" Damon commented when we reached Ric and Elena "dick" Ric replied before walking out off the front door "come on Jayla we're going home" Elena said softly grabbing my other hand, Damon quickly kissed my head then let go of my hand so that Elena and I could go home.

I lay in my bed starring up at my ceiling as I gripped my covers tighter to me. Once again I couldn't write in my diary because I had no idea on what to write,  I feel like I'm being haunted by those now blank pages. I can't write about what I'm thinking or feeling because I'm not sure my about what I'm feeling. It was raining out side rather heavily and I loved listening to it, signing I stood up and grabbed my pillow. I walked down the hall to Jeremy's room, I knocked on the door "come in"  he sounded tired. I opened the door and stepped in "hey Jay whats wrong" He asked urgently, I smiled at him "mind if I sleep in here with you tonight" he nodded his head and chuckled "sure come on" he pulled back his covers and moved over, I laid down next to him and turned to face him "thanks Jer" he smiled sympathetically "Ric told me about the fire and I just wanted to say I'm sorry" he mumbled, I shook my head "its not your fault Jer" he rolled on to his back and looked up at the ceiling "I just can't believe that Vicki would try to kill you and Elena"...

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