I Would Risk It

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Jayla's P.O.V

I smiled slightly at the sight of Damon "you just keep popping up don't you" Damon smirked sipping his drink "well give me my brother back and you won't ever have to see me again" Klaus chuckled and turned to look at Damon, Damon held out his hand to me but Klaus pulled me back by my wrist "not so fast love, now Damon I know I promised Stefan that I wouldn't let you die but how many freebies did I actually sign up for and obviously you want to die or you wouldn't be here" Klaus stated turning in his seat to fully face Damon "well what can I say I'm an attention seeker"

Before I could react Klaus had knocked Damon on to a wooden table which broke beneath his weight, Klaus held Damon up in the air bu his throat "why not take me I'm so much more fun" Damon chocked out. Klaus held up a wooden umbrella and plunged it in to Damon's chest "so I've had a bit to drink so I'm sorry if I miss the first couple of tries" his did again the threw Damon to the floor and broke the leg of the wooden chair, I ran towards Damon as Klaus brought the wooden leg down towards Damon's heart.

Screeching I launched myself in front of him"get out of the way love" Klaus said calmly "no" he grabbed my arm pulling me away from Damon and turned back to Damon, once again bringing the stake towards Damon's heart, I shrieked as the stake burst in to flames "really" Klaus questioned tossing the stake to the side "not in my bar you take it outside" Gloria said sternly.  Damon got up and was at my side in an instant with his arms around me and let out a breath I must have been holding.

I sat in the passenger seat as Damon got in to the car, Elena sat in the back with her head against the window "do you want to talk about it" I asked looking at her through the mirror "no just drive" Damon started the engine and we started our journey back to mystic falls.

I towel dried my waist long chocolate coloured hair and strolled back into my room "okay you really need to stop that" I stated alarmed as I stared at Damon who was lounging on my window seat, he gave me a deadly look which meant he was clearly angry at me for some reason,

"whats wrong" I asked sitting down on my bed "you could have been killed today when Klaus was going to kill me" he  said standing up "well I couldn't just let him kill you" I stood up as well "what and that's worth getting yourself killed" I chuckled dryly as i ran my hands through my hair "yes your not he only one who would risk their life for someone" he just stared at me for a moment "hows Elena" he asked changing the subject "shes putting on a strong face" I laid back on my bed "and you" I felt him lay next to me

"I am too"

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