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Jayla's P.O.V

My head pounds.

I wince, opening my eyes and groaning at the stiffness in my neck. I push myself up on my elbows and look around. Elena lay neck to me, still unconscious. We were in a huge room, with very little furniture "Elena" I whisper, shaking her slightly. Elena's eyes shoot open as she bolts up, her body almost colliding with mine.

"Good, you're awake"

I look up to see a woman standing across from us, her eyes dark as she glares at us "you look just like her" the unknown woman whispers to herself, she continues to eye Elena. "Who? Katherine" Elena asks, standing up with a scowl. I stay seated and finally remove my mask, running my hands down my face.

A gasp fills the room.

I frown, looking back up at the woman to see her gaze flickering between Elena and me. A look of disbelief on her face.

"Impossible" she mumbles as she continues to watch us carefully. "We're twins" I state, rolling my eyes at her. Suddenly, a man comes jogging down the stairs. The woman turns to him with "did you know there were two of them Trevor?" She snaps at him, gaining his attention. Trevor stops mid-step and looks over at me, his jaw slack. "That's not possible. She had a mask on, I thought she was a friend we could eat, Rose"

So her name was Rose.

"What do you want with us?" Elena asks, crossing her arms over her chest. Rose glares at her "be quiet" she barks. Elena sat down next to me as Rose and Trevor disappear up the steps. "What are we going to do Elena?" I whisper leaning into her, my neck still sore "I don't know."

We could hear Rose and Trevor talking, they keep mentioning someone called Elijah, it was clear that they were afraid of him.

Rose finally walks back down the steps scowling. "Who's Elijah?" I ask, breaking the silence. She chuckles, looking down at me. "You were listening? He's an original" she states, picking up a few of the many books that sat on the ground "what does that mean?" Rose turns to look at me, an unreadable look on her face.

"He's one of the first generations of vampires"

Rose began boarding up the windows with wooden boards "What are you going to do with us?" Elena questions, wrapping her arms around herself. "500 hundred years ago I pissed off some originals vampires, Rose and I have been running ever since but now, it comes to an end." Trevor tells us, he jogs down the steps and starts to help Rose.

"You want to bargain us for your freedom?" I spit in disbelief. He nods while he kicks a small stack of books over. Rose places another plank of wood over the window "what does he want with us?" Elena adds gesturing to me and her, Rose chuckles "you are the Petrova doppelganger, you are the key to breaking the curse"

She picks up another plate "the sun and the moon curse?" Elena says, the realization hitting her "ah so you do know your history" Rose comments in amusement, my head snaps up to look at her "wait, you said we're the key to breaking the curse but I thought the moonstone is what breaks the curse?"

Rose steps towards us with her hands on her hips "no, the moonstone is what binds the curse, sacrifice is what breaks it. The sacrifice of the Petrova doppleganger, you're the Petrova doppleganger so in order to break the curse you're the one who has to die"


Rose and Trevor were upstairs.

Elena and I sat back down on the red faded couch, I felt paper crumple under my weight as I sat back. I pick up the crumpled paper and straightened it out.

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