You're Okay

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat next to Elena in Ric's truck as I stared out of the window "Stefan's out there some where and now Damon too, and we're just sitting in this car" Elena spoke irritated, I signed as sat back against my seat "Damon can take care of him self and the werewolf/ vampire hybrids, we'll let him find Stefan and I'll stay here and take care of the humans" Ric stated calmly. I turned to face him and raised my brows at him "I thought you checked out of all this" I asked smirking at him "I did check out of all this" he protested staring back at me, I gave him a look and crossed my arms over my chest "god your a sucker for a lost cause" he continued turning to stare out the window "your not a lost cause Ric your just lost and so is Jeremy and so are we, we lost are family, we have no one and you don't either Ric" I paused looking up at him "we're kind of meant to be" Ric stared down at the Gilbert ring and smiled slightly "fine but I'm keeping the ring" I sat back and chuckled at him as Elena's hand tightened around mine.

I sat back with my head against the window as I tapped my fingers against the dashboard impatiently "is that Damon" I asked when I noticed the dark figure walking towards the car, I jumped out and slammed the door behind me "wait, are you bit, are you alright" I panicked as I began checking for bite wounds "get in the car" Damon stated spinning me around with his hands on my shoulders "can you just give me a moment to appreciate the fact that your alive" I snapped when he continued to push me towards the car "I'll give you ten seconds, ten, nine hey Ric do you know where I parked my car" Damon opened the door for me and pushed me into the car "Damon stop being such a caveman"

A shower was definitely what I needed to calm my nerves, I walked back into my room after changing into my pjs, I jumped back seeing Damon leaning against my window "are you drunk" I asked out loud without thinking "what, no" he mumbled turning around to face me "so what are you doing here" I took a cautious step back when he stepped closer to me. Damon look down at me as though he was trying to read my mind, I shifted under his intense gaze "what changed your mind today in the woods" He asked when my eyes met his, confusion clouded my expressed as I glanced away from him "we were caught off guard, we weren't expecting the wolves to be out in the daylight" I exclaimed placing my hand on my hip "you had a teacher with an eternity ring and a shed load of weapons you could of carried on, what changed your mind" Damon pressed as he waited for a reply.

I stared at him not knowing what to say "what changed your mind Jayla" Damon repeated sternly moving closer to me, I almost shivered when I felt his cool breath fan my face "I didn't want anything to happen to you, are you happy now" I confessed loudly allowing my shoulders to slump slightly, Damon looked down at me " I just want you to remember what it felt like when I drag my brother back from the ends of the earth so I can bring him back to your sister"

He was so close now, his chest touching mine "I'm doing this for you and I want to remember how you felt while I do so" he brushed the bits of stray hair away from my face and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead "goodnight Jayla" then he was gone.

I rolled over groaning when I felt something hard underneath me, opening my eyes I looked up to see Damon smirking down at me, squealing I pulled my covers closer to my half naked body "what the hell" I panted placing my hand over my heart "you where dreaming about me which explains the drool" Damon teased arrogantly, rolling my eyes I looked over at my alarm clock.

"Damon its six am do you not have anything better to do at six am" I groaned turning back to look at him, Damon stood up and went over to my draws "fine then don't come with Elena and I to Chicago to get Stefan back" I shot up and looked at he suspiciously "what" he opened my draws and pulled out a pair of red laced underwear "put this in the yes pile" I jumped up and snatched them out of his hands and stuffed them back in the draw "you have half an hour" Damon smirked leaving my room.

I sat in the front seat of Damon's car as he drove down the deserted roads "oh Elena this is for you" Damon pulled out a journal and handed it to Elena who sat quietly in the back seat.

"This is Stefan's journal" Elena stated in disbelief as she stared down at the old book "I know, just to give you a little in sight on Stefan's last trip to Chicago" Elena handed the journal back to Damon "I'm not reading through his stuff" she snapped harshly, Damon chuckled and opened it to a random page and began to read out some of the horrific things Stefan wrote.

"Damon where are we" I asked as I closed the car door and Elena and I followed him in to a very old building "to Stefan's old apartment".

Let me know what you think xxxx

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