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Jayla's P.O.V

I chuckled looking down at all the different chilli people had made "told you everyone makes chilli" Damon said looking over my shoulder "shut up" I pushed him playfully "did you know that the council only hold these event so that they can secretly gather and plot against vampires" he whispered sarcastically "well you better start running then" I joked turning to look at him, he made a hurt face "Jayla how could you be so cold" I laughed causing him to smirk down at me "I'm going to go find Ric" Damon stated looking over my shoulder, his hand gently brush mine as he past me.

I followed Elena up to the seats where Caroline and Bonnie were, I sat down as Bonnie pulled out a grimor "tell me if anyone's coming" we nodded as she placed our necklaces on the page and began whispering "so Jayla whats going on with you and Damon" Caroline asked, I nearly choked on my sliva "what, nothing" I said quickly, Caroline made a face which clearly said 'liar' I looked over at Bonnie who was staring at the necklaces,  which had now lifted in to air "Bonnie what are you doing" Elena asked clutching my hand "I'm not doing anything. .....they have their own magic" we all stared at the floating necklaces in disbelief.

Ric, Elena, Caroline and I headed towards the exit of the Lockwood house "wheres Damon" I asked out loud "probably somewhere doing bad things to good people" Caroline snorted "look Caroline...." she turned to me "I'm sorry okay just consider me the honesty police" she said smiling slightly, her smile soon dropped as she saw something out the corner of her eye "Caroline whats wrong" she quickly stepped behind us "its my dad" I looked over to see bill Forbes talking to Mrs Lockwood "why would he even show up here" I asked turning back to Caroline "I don't know but I can't...." I placed my hand on her arm m"its okay go" she nodded and disappeared "what was that about" Ric asked completely oblivious "talk about doing bad things to good people"

we got side and was walking towards the car when Damon caught up with us "bill Forbes just threatened to out me" I stopped and turned to him "what, I thought you compelled him" Damon shook his head"i don't know it clearly didn't work" Elena stepped closer to me "isn't that impossible" Damon looked back at us "hello this isn't the most important thing I said he threatened to out me" I nodded "so what are we going to do" Elena asked "I'm going to fix it" Damon said stepping closer to the house until Ric pulled him back "no Damon not here" Damon rolled him back "Ric that's twice you've stepped in my way today I wouldn't make it a third" Damon snarled "Damon you can't do this here I won't let you" Ric growled back "fine then its your temporarily funeral" and with that Damon snaps Rics neck......

its a filler xx

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