Not In Her Lifetime

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Jayla's P.O.V

We walked down the stairs into the crowded room "wow, Caroline is so dead" I muttered staring at all the drunken teenagers dancing around, Elena appeared next to me "here" she smiled handing me a cup "so this was keeping it small" I asked Caroline as she made her way towards us "yes are you having know actually don't answer that" I signed which earned a playful glare from Caroline "fine what am I drinking" I said bring the cup to my nose the smell it "vodka" I sipped the drink feeling the burning sensation spread through my chest "time to party" Caroline sang grabbing mine and Elena's hands before dragging us off.

I lent against the door frame next to Elena and Caroline "hey Jayla, Elena happy birthday" Matt slurred kissing my cheek then he kissed Elena's, Caroline stood awkwardly as Matt completely ignored her "he hates me" she stated as he staggered away "he doesn't hate you ,he hates the fact hes not with you.........hey is that our brother" Elena pointed across the room at Jeremy who was smoking, Elena looked over at me "you can take this one Elena" she handed me her cup and disappeared in to another room.

"So you and Damon are getting close" Caroline asked unexpectedly, I turned to look at her after almost choking on my drink "I'm sorry, what" she shook her head and lent back "I'm just saying Damon's not good for you" I shrugged and turned away from her, needing a time out I headed up the steps in to Damon's room "oh I didn't know you were in here" I jumped seeing Elena "yeah just needed some space" I smiled and pulled her in to a hug "you and me both" I noticed something out of the corner of my eye in Damon's closet from over Elena's shoulder "what's wrong" I walked over to the closet door and pulled it open revealing papers and notes pinned to a map "what is it" Elena asked stepping behind me to see "it's Klaus, Damon's been tracking them without us" I whispered "but why would he not tell us" she asked

"I don't know"

Damon opened the door and walked calmly into the room "why didn't you tell me" he looked over at me then noticed the papers in my hand "what are you doing Jayla" I waved the paper in the air why didn't you tell me you were tracking Klaus' victims" he shot up and stood in front of me "because there not Klaus' victims their Stefan's" the only word that could escape my mouth was "what" Damon shook his head and looked away from me "he's left a trail of bodies up and down the coast" I let out a bitter laugh "all this time you made me feel like an idiot for trying to help Elena and having hope" he placed his hands on my shoulders "you were an idiot we both were, Stefan's gone and he's not coming back.......not in Elena's life time" I stared at him "what" I spun around to see Elena with a tear stain face............

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