Family Chili

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Jayla's P.O.V

I chopped up the green peppers and the put them in to the pot "chili really, everyone brings chili" Damon snorted walking in "hey its an old family recipe" I said adding more onion "yeah I knew your old family and they made terrible chilli" I chuckled playfully pushing him "what smells good" Ric asked walking in "I made chilli for the founders party" Ric smiled as he tasted it "more like your distracting your self" Damon added "no I'm not" I said while chopping up the chillies"shes in denial" I turned to Damon who was smirking "I'm not in denial i have gotten over the fact that I helped my sister spend the summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found" I signed adding some red chillies "umm so why are you and Elena still wearing the necklaces he gave you, I mean hers represents their unbreakable bond so why haven't you taken yours off" I didn't know what to say, I knew that Stefan gave me this necklace because he wanted to keep Elena and I safe, plus Stefan was like my best friend.

I heard the door knock so I opened it to see Caroline holding a bowl "I come bearing gifts" I groaned "please tell me that's not chilli" she gave me a confused look then Bonnie appeared "oh my god Bonnie" I jumped in to her arms hugging her close "Bonnie" we turned to see Elena and she joined our hug "I leave town for the summer and it all goes to hell for all of you" we all pulled away, Jeremy ran down the stairs "Jeremy" Bonnie ran in to his arms as they shared a hug and kiss.

We sat in the kitchen as I poured the chilli in to a plastic container, I hissed in pain as my chest felt like it was burnt "ow" I put the pot down "my necklace burnt me" Elena said moving her necklace "so did mine" I took mine off "can I see them" Bonnie asked, I held up the necklace to her and she reached out to touch it and when she did it sent an electric shock up the chain as I dropped it "I don't think that's suppose to happen"........

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