Safe House

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Jayla's P.O.V

We signed the last of the documents that handed the house over to us I held my hand out to estate agent "thank you very much Mr Roberts" he shook our hands "you girls are now the owners of this house" we smiled as we led him to the door "have a nice day girls" he smiled as he continued down the drive to his car. I turned to Damon and Stefan who stood against the wall "you need to invite us in" Stefan said politely smiling at Elena "Stefan would you like to come in" Stefan smirked at Damon before entering the house "Jayla are you going to invite me in" Damon asked smiling "Damon would you to come in" Damon smiled walking into the house. Elena handed me my coat "wait where are you going" Damon asked "we're going to school" Damon took the coat from my hands "no we didn't create a safe house for you to leave it" I chuckled grabbing my coat from his hands "I'm not hiding" Elena and I began walking towards the front door "wait I'm coming with you" Stefan said grabbing his coat.

We walked through the halls towards history "Jayla we are so going to this sixties dance" I chuckled taking the poster from her "we'll see" I looked through my back from my history book "I'll catch up to you guys I left my history text book in my locker" I turned and jogged down the crowded hall to my locker. After grabbing my book I walked back to history "so what was good about the sixties " Ric said with his back to the class, I snuck over to my seat next to Elena "right so the sixties there was the Beatles and the missile thing" I chuckled "the missile was the seventies Ric- I mean Mr Saltzman" Ric turned to look at me the shifted his eyes to Elena then back to me with shock "um thank you" He smiled at me which I returned.

Finally class was over and we went to the cafeteria "so Jayla can I do your hair for the dance" Caroline whined "no but I'm sure Elena will let you do hers" Elena glared at me "no I want to do your its longer" that's true my hair goes to my waist and is straight but towards the end it curls "hey Elena hey Jayla" Dana chirped as she lent on the table "so Jayla this really hot guy wants to know if you would be his date to the dance" I shook my head "no thanks I have a date tell him I'm sorry" she bent her knees and lent closer "his name is Klaus weird name I know but I promise he's hot" I froze as did Elena "she said no Dana" Bonnie hissed "I'm sure its nothing" Bonnie tried to reassure but it had no effect on us "I don't think it is Bonnie".

We stood in the boarding house living room waiting for Ric "are you sure she said Klaus" Damon asked for the second time "yes we all heard her" I answered irritated "so what's going on" Ric asked walking into the room "Ric can you add me to the chaperon list for the dance tonight Klaus made his first move"Damon informed him "yeah sure are you sure it was Klaus" Ric asked I nodded going to stand next to him "I don't think there's another man in school with the name Klaus do you" he chuckled "are you sure its a good idea to go to the dance" Stefan asked hugging Elena "I'll be able to keep them safe" Bonnie piped up "really witch what if he did this" Damon sped towards Bonnie but before he could get close enough to he she sent him flying across the room "well I was impressed" Stefan smirked "okay then its settled we are going to the dance and Bonnie will be there" Elena chirped uneasily, Damon draped his arm over my shoulder "so what are we wearing" I chuckled dropping his arm of my shoulders and followed Elena upstairs "we're going to go change"Elena shout down to Stefan.

I pulled the light blue dress on to my hips and pulled my arms through the sleeves which ended at my elbows, the dress ended about 3 inches above my knee and it flared out from my waist "I love it" Elena whispered as she tied the white ribbon in my ringlets and zipped the small fabric which now clung to my body until it reached my waist then fluttered out "very sixties" I smiled as I stared at my reflection. Elena finished putting her white GoGo boots on "you look beautiful Elena" she smiled "so do you Jayla" she grabbed my hand and pulled me down stairs "You both look gorgeous" Stefan complimented "thank you Stefan and you look handsome" I felt Damon walk up behind me "don't you look lovely and Blue" I chuckled "don't you look dark and handsome" Damon gently pushed me towards the door "time to go" Stefan and Elena got into the front with Stefan while Bonnie, Damon and I got into the back.

The hall was decorated and had balloons every where "dance with me" Damon whispered in my ear and he steered me towards the dance floor "so is this how they danced in the sixties" he chuckled and swirled me "not really but I was more interested in the women doing the dancing" he winked earning an eye roll from me, he spun me around so my back was against his chest "we're going to figure this out you know" he whispered in my are "figure what out" I turned to face him "Klaus wont get anywhere near you" I stopped dancing "no Damon can we not talk about this right now" I went to turn away from him but he grabbed my hand "what's wrong Jayla" I looked him in the eye, his perfect blue eyes "If you or Stefan interfere then Klaus will kill every single person I love including you Damon and you might be okay with that but I'm not" I pulled out of his grip and walked across the floor to stand next to Ric "are you okay Jayla" I nodded "yeah just getting overwhelmed" he turned to face me taking in all my features.

"What did you say to Damon" I looked up at Ric "I told him to stop interfering and trying to stop Klaus" Rics face twisted with curiosity "why" I sipped my drink before answering "because Klaus killed Katherine's entire family and I'm not about to let that happen" he smiled at me gently "have you spoke to Elena about this" I shook my head "no I don't want her trying to get her killed to save me, only one of us needs to be sacrificed and it won't be her" he eyed me for a moment "what if Klaus doesn't want to sacrifice you" I shrugged "as rose said it is impossible to have twin dopplegangers so Klaus won't expect there to be two us"Ric chuckled "yes I think Klaus will be in for a big surprise".

I stood with Elena next to the refreshment table when Ric appeared next to us panicked "its Klaus he has Jeremy" I felt my insides turn to mush as we ran after ric following him into an empty hall "where's Jeremy" Elena gushed, Ric turned around with a smirk on his face just staring at us "Ric have you been taking vervain" I asked stepping back "no why would you think I was compelled Jayla but I'm sure you could come up with another idea" Bonnie ran out of the classroom door joining us in to hall "what's going on" Bonnie whispered, ignoring her question Ric turned to completely face me "and you were right Jayla I was extremely shocked when I saw there was two of you" I froze earning a smirk from him "Klaus" Elena grabbed my hand "ding ding ding" he ran at us by Bonnie sent him flying back against the glass casing "run" she screamed at Elena and I. Elena ran dragging me with her. We turned the corner bumping into Damon and Stefan "we need to go help Bonnie Klaus is in Rics body we have to help her" I gushed "Bonnie's doing what she needs to do" I went to push past him when he grabbed my shoulders "no we have to help her Damon" he shook his head "Jayla stop" Stefan let go of Elena so I ran after her to the cafeteria doors "its locked" I began banging on the door, Bonnie was inside with Klaus "Bonnie open the door now please Bonnie" the lights began to flicker then went on and the doors opened revealing an un moving Bonnie, running to her side I grabbed her hand "Bonnie please wake up" I sobbed "Stefan get them out of here so I can clean this up" I stood up with tears soaking my clothes "she's dead, no no she can't be how could you Damon, how could you let her do this"............

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