I Won't Say a Word

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Jayla's  P.O.V

I grabbed the bag of stuff for Alaric and dragged downstairs to the cellar, where Damon and Stefan where keeping Ric in hope that his alter ego will make an appearance. I unlocked the cellar door and dropped the bag at Ric's feet "what are you doing, you shouldn't be down here" Ric coughed out, I pulled a chair up and sat in front of him "I just wanted to bring you some entertainment" I grinned at him as I pulled out his tooth brush "and some essentials" he chuckled pulling the bag towards him.

 Ric looked through the bag before pulling out a book and laughing "twilight, really" I frowned taking the book from his hands "I didn't put this...Damon" I rolled my eyes putting the book back. Ric shook his head laughing "Damon and I are going to Denver together to get Jeremy, he's not safe now that Klaus knows where he is" I confessed leaning back in "why do you say it as if I'm going to protest" he asked raising his eyebrows at me, I shrugged my shoulders "maybe because its Damon and I alone" Ric shook his head and sat up straight "Damon will protect you" was his only response "I know he will"

"How would you like to fly first class" Damon smirked strolling into the room "who did you have to compel for that" I chuckled throwing the last of my essentials into my duffel bag. "are you ready to go" Damon asked grabbing my bag and zipping it up, I nodded and pulled my coat on. I followed Damon down stairs where Elena and Stefan were waiting "call me as soon as you get Jeremy" Elena said pulling me in to a hug "I will" I smiled softly as I pulled away, Stefan smiled at me "be careful" he then turned to Damon "I'll call you when we find the stake" Damon threw my bag over his shoulder and followed me out to the car.

"Remember our last road trip" Damon asked as I stared out the window, I turned to look at him "oh you mean the one when you kidnapped me after I crashed my car and then I saved your life from Lexi's devastated boyfriend, yeah I remember that quite clearly" I sassed. Damon smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I sat with my feet up on the dashboard and my head leaning against the window "what are we going to do if we can't get Ric to tell us where the other stake is" I asked as we pulled in to the parking lot of a baseball centre.

Damon stopped the car and turned to look at me "well if Jeremy can contact Rose then we can find out who created our bloodline, and hopefully its not Klaus. Then we can kill him" Damon got out of the car and walked around to my door, I opened the door before he could and jumped out "but wait, even if Klaus didn't create yours, we know for a fact that he created Tyler's" I gushed out running my hands through my hair. Damon just shrugged his shoulders and grabbed my bag "Damon I'm not letting this go" I heard him mumble something but I couldn't make it out.

I spotted Jeremy straight away, he stood with his back to us as he took another swing at the ball that came flying towards him "hey Jer" I yelled leaning against the cage, he spun around to face us "Jayla" he grinned at me before dropping his bat and rushing towards us "Hey little bro" I threw my arms around him "what are you doing here" Jeremy asked as he pulled away, before I could respond Damon interrupted "we have a problem and we need your help" Jeremy looked at Damon then back at me "it will have to wait, I have plans with a friend and yes Damon I actually have friends. And he just got here" Jeremy pushed past Damon and I. 

I turned around to see Kol grinning at us "Damon it's Kol" I yelled but Kol had already took a swing at Damon with a wooden bat, which broke as collided with Damon's head "Hello mate, that was for snapping my neck." Kol grabbed another bat and studied it "the best thing about aluminium is that its a lot harder to break" Kol went to take another swing at Damon but luckily Damon reacted quickly and grabbed the broken bat and forced it in to Kol's torso, temporarily killing him "come on lets go" Damon coughed out as he pulled himself to his feet "you sure know how to make friends Jere" I joked as we got back into the car.

"Just so you know it was her idea to stop at a motel" Damon told Jeremy, I rolled my eyes as Jeremy turned to look at me. Damon unlocked the old rusty door and pushed it open, I threw myself down on to one of the neatly made beds "well this is cosy" ignoring him I pulled my phone out of my bag and shuffled down to the end of the bed "this is Rose, we need you to try and contact her because it was her blood that turned Katherine" I showed him a picture of Rose. 

Jeremy studied the picture before sitting back in his chair "okay I need to build some kind of a connection with her. Tell me about her, like how she spent her last day" Damon sat down next to me and I could already see the pain in his eyes as he carefully slipped his hand in to mine "she spent her last day back in her home village with the sun beaming down on her. It was peaceful and safe" I knew that wasn't how Rose's last moments felt. She was in pain, a lot of pain "I was with Rose on her last day, it defiantly wasn't peaceful" I commented squeezing Damon's hand gently "it was in the dream he gave her, she's here" Jeremy signed, I instantly looked around as if I was going to come face to face with her, but I knew I wouldn't.

"She said it was a vampire named Mary Porter who turned her" Jeremy told us, I looked around the room "can you tell us where she is Rose" I asked out loud, knowing she could here me. Jeremy shook his head "she said she doesn't know, but she'll see what she can find out on the otherside" Jeremy then went quiet and stared at the empty bed opposite us, his eyes then flickered over to me and Damon "she said she umm misses you both" I smiled warmly at the empty bed and nodded my head slightly.

Rose had left to see what she can find out from the otherside so we were stuck in the motel form what seems like the rest of the night. Jeremy decided to take the separate room leaving Damon and I in the main room, I pulled my coat off and threw it over the arm chair that sat in the corner of the room. Damon stood by the window with a bottle of bourbon so I just slid into the bed and wrapped the covers around myself, my hair was sprawled out on the pillow next to me and the duvet was pulled right up to my chest. 

Damon had been awfully quiet so I turned on to my side to look at him, he stood with his shirt unbuttoned as he glanced out the window before pouring himself another drink and sat down at the table. He stared at his drink for a moment before downed it, suddenly his eyes flicked up and met mine, I blinked a couple of times before closing my eyes and pretending to go to sleep. I could feel his stare focused on my face so I opened my eyes to stare at his beautiful blue ones, I shifted a little under his stare as he stood up and made his way over to the bed. 

Carefully Damon slipped into the bed next to me and continued to look at me "you never told me about that you know, what you did for Rose" I spoke softly, Damon looked away from me and signed "it wasn't about you" he stated looking up at the ceiling, unknowingly I shifted closer to him and smiled "why don't you let people see the good in you" I asked watching him "because when people see good, they expect good" he turned to look at me so his face was centimetres away from mine "and I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations" I held his gaze from a moment before I let out a shaky breathe and rolled on to my back. I felt Damon's hand slip into mine which lay between us, I could feel my heart racing against my chest and my breathing become rapid, I looked over at him to see his gazed fixated on my face, quickly I threw the covers off my body and opened the door leading outside.

I could feel the cool breeze on my skin as I lent against the balcony wall, Damon was already hot on my heels as he stood a few feet behind me "don't" I breathed out with my back still facing him "why not" I didn't answer "Jayla" I let out a deep breath and turned around, suddenly closing the distance between us. I felt his lips on mine and they weren't letting go, I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt him pull me against his body. Soon my back collided with the wall and I ran my hands through Damon's raven hair. Damon's mouth travelled down my neck causing a small moan to escape my mouth before it was attacked by Damon's again. He held on to me tightly as thou he was scared I would disappear, his hands either side of my face and mine were on his neck. He stared at me with so much emotion. I pulled him back in for another sweet kiss.

"Jayla" I quickly pulled away from Damon to see Jeremy standing by the door of the motel "oh my god Jeremy" I looked down shamefully "Rose found Mary, she lives in Kansas" Jeremy explained awkwardly, Damon stepped forward and smirked "okay lets go" he glanced at me before walking ahead of Jeremy and I in to the motel room. Jeremy shook his head at me before smiling slightly "don't worry I won't say a word"

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