Funerals And Broken Hearts

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Jayla's P.O.V

I finished placing my long hair into a bun when Jeremy walked in "hey are you ready" Elena turned and smile tightly "yeah" I smiled gently as I pulled out two envelopes from my draw "John wanted us to have these" I whispered handing Elena the one with her name on it, I stared at mine and noticed it had my full name on it. I sat down on the window lounge opposite Elena and opened the letter.

'Dear Jayla-Rosalie

I wanted you both and I was stupid enough to fall in love with Isabelle. I'm sorry I was such a disappointment you deserve so much better. Whether you believe it or not I loved you so much which is why I gave you up I wanted the best possible life for you both and I knew your dad and mom could give you that.

You are different, so different to Katherine and even Elena you have this gift to over look everything bad and create good, you can create good even in the darkest places. You need to be strong and stay out of Klaus's reach, no more giving your self up I need you to keep your self and Elena alive. In the future if you ever are put in the situation when you are turned into a Vampire I will always love you the same. I love you Jayla.........
Uncle John'

I stared down at the letter, not understanding the words. I looked up at Elena who was already staring at me with teary eyes, I looked down at the envelope again and felt the heavy item inside, I tipped the envelope upside down and a small silver ring fell out with a red crystal on it "you have one to" Elena asked as she held up the old Gilbert ring "yeah but mines smaller and red" she nodded and placed the ring on her hand as I did mine "come on time to go" Damon whispered walking in with Stefan. I stood up and walked past Damon who signed at my action.

I stood with the stunning white roses in my hands as Elena did with the red ones, I let my tears escape as I placed the two roses on Jenna's and John's grave. Elena held my hand and pulled me towards mom and dads grave "here" I gave her one white rose and she gave me a red one, I place the roses in front on moms grave as Elena did dads. I stood next to Caroline and Jeremy as we took a moment silence, I turned my head slightly so see Damon talking to Stefan then Damon turned and walked of but not before turning to look at me.

"Come on we need to do something normal" Caroline insisted handing me a cupcake as we sat down with the picnic basket "just one day normal" I encouraged as I wiped some pink frosting on Elena's and Jeremy's cheek "hey can I talk to you" Stefan asked tapping my shoulder while giving Elena a small smile "sure" I stood up and handed my half eaten cupcake to Elena who took a bite. "What's up" I asked when we reached the edge of the small field "Damon didn't what me to tell you this in fact he begged me not to, Damon was bitten by Tyler Lockwood" I placed my hands on my head and turn away from him "that's what Klaus meant when he said Damon was fine for now" Stefan pulled me to face him "you spoke to Klaus" I signed nodding "when Elena went with you before the sacrifice I went to Alarics apartment to try and save Elena"Stefan's jaw clenched "you can't tell Damon that he go mad and he wants to see you but he's in bad state, I need to go fine some way to save him" I stared up and Stefan "I think Klaus is the only one with answer"....................

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