I'm Sorry Damon

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Jayla's P.O.V

I sat quietly in the car as Damon carried Bonnie's body into the old Witch house, Elena went with Stefan to the boarding house and she still doesn't know that Bonnie's alive. I jumped as Damon got back in the car and started the engine "I'm sorry" I whispered quietly as I lent my head against the window, Damon raised his eyebrows turning to look at me "what" I sat back avoiding his gaze "I'm sorry for what I said at the dance and for what I said about you letting Bonnie die" he shrugged and smiled ever so slightly "okay so Little witch isn't that bad" I chuckled at him as we pulled into the boarding house.

Elena was sitting in the arm chair with a blanket over her shoulders when we entered the living room "what did you do with her" Elena practically flew off the chair and was in front of us in seconds "Stefan can you calm her down please" Damon hissed ignoring her "Elena" Stefan started soothingly and pulled Elena back but before he could successfully pull her away Elena's hand connected with Damon's face making me gasp "Elena stop" I went to stand next to Elena "Bonnie did what she had to do, Klaus had to think she was dead to stop him coming after her so your reactions had to be real" Elena's face twisted with confusion "Bonnie's fine" Damon stated bluntly as he walked over to the table which held the bourbon "Bonnie's alive" I reassured her.

Jeremy appeared in the door way with a computer in his hands "Bonnie wants to talk to you" he placed the laptop in front of us "hey" I whispered as Bonnie smiled on the screen "I'm sorry we didn't have enough time to tell you it all happened so fast" she had tears down her face "all that matters is that you okay" Elena rested her head on my shoulder "I'm sorry I can't be with you guys but Jeremy's going to say down here with me so I'll see you guys soon". After we said our goodbyes to Elena I went to bed.

Walking in to my room I jumped noticing Damon laying on my bed "are you trying to kill me" I panted placing my hand on my heart "sorry" I got under the covers and sat up "what are you doing in here" I asked him "I figured I would sleep in here tonight because your a little shaken up" I laughed and turned the lamp off "goodnight Damon" I felt something brush my hair, a pair of lips? "Goodnight Jayla"

I woke up feeling some one shake me "Jayla come on get up" I fluttered my eyes open to see Elena "what's wrong Lena" I sat up looking at her "get dressed I'll explain it" I rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom changing into a pair of light blue jeans and floral blouse. After brushing my teeth and long brown hair before walking down the stairs. When I got to the bottom of the hall Elena grabbed me dragging me to the cellar "what's going on" she pointed to her ear then the ceiling "okay look" she opened the cellar door revealing Elijah only without the dagger "what did you do" I gently pushed her "this is the only way to keep everyone safe" I signed sitting down next to her only to jump to my feet when Elijah's body twisted as he jerked up "what happened" he breathed then began clutching his heart "I can't be in here" before we could reply he was gone. We ran up the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible, Elijah was at the front door "can I trust you" Elena asked Elijah "can I trust you" Elijah replied, Elena handed Elijah the dagger before both of us stepped out of the house.

After Elijah had changed we walked across the Lockwood fields over to the lake "so the curse is not the sun and moon curse its a curse placed on Klaus" I asked trying to piece it together "yes" Elijah continued walking when my phone began ringing "answer it" Elijah demanded.

"Hello" I breathed in to the phone.
"Where the hell are you and why haven't you been answering your phone" I winced at Damon's tone.
"I'm with Elena and Elijah is everything okay"
"No Jenna knows about vampires because Klaus was inside your house and threatened her but Stefan got there in time" I sucked in a deep breath
"Okay we will be there soon" hanging up I turned to Elena"Klaus threatened Jenna but Stefan saved her and now she knows about vampires, She's upset" she looked over at Elijah who was watching us carefully "we need to go but I promise we will come back" Elijah shook he's head "Elena you can go but Jayla has to stay here with me until you return" Elena looked over at me and I nodded "go" without another word she ran back to the Lockwood mansion.

I sat on the grass on the small hill next to the lake "what's you full name Jayla" I chuckled at Elijah's random question "its Jayla Rosalie Gilbert" he sat down next to me "its beautiful" I turned to look at him "thank you" Elijah nodded looking out over the lake "you know you don't look exactly like Elena or Katherine" I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a confused glance "I mean there's something completely different" I looked back over at the lake "maybe because I have longer hair" he gently brushed my waist long hair with his fingers "yes maybe but you also have thicker eyelashes and naturally redder lips" I stared at him for a moment "thank you I think" he laugh "it is a compliment" I picked up a daisy and fiddled with it "Elijah you know I'm not going to let Klaus sacrifice Elena" he signed "I know but I have an idea when Katerina was suppose to be sacrificed I had the witches create an illixor to save her and we could use it on you but its not 100 percent" I nodded understanding his words.

When Elena finally came back Elijah told us the rest of the story which included him informing us on Klaus being his brother and the originals are a whole family of vampires. When he had told us the rest we went back to the boarding house, Elijah had agreed to help us but only if Stefan and Damon apologized for killing him, twice.

"No not a chance"Damon refused to apologize but then again trying to get Damon to apologize is like trying to get blood from a stone. Impossible. "He'll come around" Stefan assured, I was about to go after Damon, who stormed out of the room when we heard a load of shouting, following the voices it led us to the front door "Jenna" I shouted she held a staked up to Ric "its me Jenna I promise" Jenna still held the bow up "prove it" she hissed "okay the first night we spend together Jeremy walked in right when I was about to-" Jenna dropped the bow "its him" we all exchanged looks before dragging Ric in to the living room "I have a message from Klaus" we all looked anxiously at him "the sacrifice happens tonight and he will pick Elena up" I froze and turned to Elena "no I'm going I'll pretend to be you" Elena shook her head as we sat down "its okay Jayla I'll take the illixsor and I'll go with klaus" I was about to protest when Damon sat down next to me. "No I want to do it " Elijah shook his head "Klaus clearly wants to sacrifice Elena if you go to do it he will kill you both"

Damon disappeared upstairs "I'll be right back" I walked up the stairs to Damon's room "hey are okay" I asked opening the door "no I'm not you seem to be doing everything in your power to get your self killed" he snapped with his back facing me "I'm not about to let Elena die in some creepy sacrifice especially since I can take her place" he spun around to face me and grabbed my shoulders "I can't lose you" I grasped his hands and lent closer to him "you won't I'll drink the illixsor and die then I'll come back" he chuckled dryly "that's if it works" "it will work" I assured him "no you want it to work you hope it will work" I signed stepping back "I'll be fine Damon there's no other way and Klaus won't know the difference" I turned to leave when Damon appeared in front of me "there is another way" I crunched my face up in confusion "what are you-" I was cut off by Damon biting his wrist and holding it to my mouth allowing the red sticky liquid to flow down my throat.

Suddenly I was knocked to the floor and Stefan was at my side "Damon what did you do" Stefan growled out loudly as he helped me up "if she's so bent on taking Elena's place then at least this way I'll know she'll come back" Damon snarled bitterly, I coughed and whipped the remaining blood from my mouth "she'll be a vampire how could you of all people take that choice away from her" Stefan launched forward t and punched Damon, but Damon was quicker and had Stefan pinned against the wall "please don't tell me it never crossed your mind you just wished you had the balls to do it to your own girl" Damon taunted. Stefan pushed Damon across the room and lunged at him but Damon picked up the wooden table leg plunging it in to Stefan's stomach...........

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