Happy Birthday

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Jayla's P.O.V

I turned over to see Elena laying there staring at the ceiling "Good Morning Elena" I whispered as I sat up "Good Morning Jay" she unexpectedly pulled the covers back and walked over to the window, I climbed out of bed and stretched ignoring the cold breeze. Elena opened the curtains letting the sunlight shine through "how did you sleep" she asked turning to look at me "I slept good thank you, hey is Jeremy up" I asked noticing the alarm clock "no and he's late for work" Elena sang as I ran towards Jeremy room and pulled his covers back "come on Jer, Matt just called your late for work" he shielded his eyes from the light as I opened his curtains "urg early" I chuckled and kissed his cheek "maybe Matt will fired me" I smirked and walked out his room "Aim high".

Elena was getting changed as I entered my room "hey can I borrow that dark blue tank top" she nodded and rummaged through her draws before throwing me her top "so what are we doing today" she asked placing her hair in a bun "well we have that party Caroline is throwing for us" she signed and threw her self on the the bed face down "we didn't say yes to even going" I let out a small laugh "you know Caroline she just wants us to have fun" I jumped at the sound of Elena's Phone ringing "hey Jay can you pass me my phone" I picked her phone up and handed it to her "speaking of our best friend" Elena chuckled answering her phone.

I jogged down the stairs "morning Ric" Ric smiled as he continued to try to work the coffee machine by pressing all the buttons "here" I pulled him away from the coffee machine and turned it on "thanks Oh and this is for you" he pulled out two small velvet boxes, he handed me one of the boxes "Ric you didn't hav-" "open it" I stared up at him with an amused expression "open it" he smiled. I opened the box to reveal a sliver charm bracelet which had the letters J.A.Y.L.A on it "its beautiful thank you Ric" I gushed pulling him in to a hug, Elena walked down the stairs "happy birthday Girls" Elena smiled at him as he handed her the other box "Thank you Ric you didn't have to" he just nodded at her smiling "Caroline called and sheriff Forbes has some Stefan news, there's been three animal attacks in Tennessee this week and she's sure it was a vampire" I nodded and looked over at Ric "your certain he's still with Klaus" Ric asked ,Elena poured herself some coffee "its easy to be certain when the alternative is that he's dead" I took a sip of Elena's coffee then handed it back to her "oh hey ric are you sure you okay on the couch I mean you've been on it all summer, if you need your own bedro-" he cut me off "and sleep in your dead parents room or my dead girlfriends room" .

I opened the door to the boarding house as Elena followed me in "Why is it always smelling of bourbon in here" I whined as I poured some orange juice in to my glass "look who came to visit" I turned around and nearly dropped my glass at the sight of Damon standing there naked, I quickly spun around again along with Elena "Damon your heard me, you knew that I was here" I could hear him chucking "yeah you should try to knock what if I was....indecent" I picked up the red robe that was draped over the couch and threw it behind me at Damon, opening my eyes I signed in relief that he was now covered up "Elena has some news on Stefan" I said while Elena pulled out a piece of paper "Great another dead end" Elena glared at him "we don't know that" he stepped closer to us "right this could be the one that tells us Stefan is alive and well" I shot him a glare and took the piece of paper from Elena and walked towards the door "fine Elena and I will check it out ourselves" suddenly Damon was in front of me making me jump back "I'll check it out" "fine well I have to go help Caroline so I'll see you later" I said walking towards the front door with a smug look on my face.

"I can't believe your making me go to this party" I complained to Caroline as she handed me more napkins "it will be fun" I signed and placed the napkins down "yeah fun for you" she laughed as Tyler came strolling in holding a few boxes, he and Caroline shared a brief look before he left to get more "so are you two dating" I asked smirking "of course not" Caroline said looking down. Before my mom and dad died Tyler and I used to date when Elena dated Matt but I broke up with him because he we wanted different things, but I think they are so cute together. "How's Jeremy" Tyler asked bringing in some more boxes "he's getting there and I think his job at the grill is really helping him.....be normal" he nodded "well I have to go I'm picking up Sophie and I have to shower" I smiled and waved at him "bye Tyler" I chuckled when he left "you guys are so meant to be" she threw some crisps at me "well I need to go meet Elena so we can get changed for the party" she smiled brightly at me "wears something pretty".

I stood in front of the mirror pulling down the hem of my purple dress "you look beautiful" I turned to see Damon standing behind me "thanks" he stepped in to the room close behind me "I know you told me not to get you any thing but........." he pulled out a red box and opened it, inside was a pendant of a black magic rose.
"Thank you" I moved my hair out of the way so he could put the necklace on. His fingers brushed against my neck then down my back "did you check the address we gave you" he nodded as I waited for him to continue "come time for your party".

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