My Sweet Jayla

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Jayla's P.O.V

I tried to rid the rusty taste in my mouth with the Drink Jenna handed me "are you okay Jayla" Elena asked as I sat next to Stefan, who drank the last of the animal blood "I'm so sorry Jayla" Stefan apologized "its not your fault Stefan" I reassured him staring down at my shoes "Elena Jayla would you both like to spend the day with me" he asked looking up at Elena "but Stefan Klau-" he cut her off "its just today we will be back before then" He stood up and grabbed Elena's hand "I'll stay here" I whispered quietly, they left without another word.

I stood up and stared to pace the room "Jayla calm down" Alaric said soothingly as he sat down on the small couch "it will be okay" I signed and sat down next to him "we don't know that" I snapped shaking my head, Jenna called for Alaric from down stairs "I'll be back up with another drink for you" I smiled silently thanking him as he disappeared down the stairs. I stood up and grabbed my jacket, sneaking down the stairs "why are you sneaking around Jayla" I jumped and spun around to face Elijah "me sneaking never" I stated innocently causing him to chuckle "Damon's not here he left about an hour ago" I let out a smile sign of relief "so where are you going Jayla" I looked up at him "I'm going to find Damon" I lied smoothly pulling my hair up into a bun "um forgiven him already" Elijah ran his finger over my cheek bone then across my lips "no" I managed to croak out as he turned and disappeared. I closed the front door behind me before getting in my car and starting the engine. What the hell was that about?

I parked the car and took a deep breath staring up and Alarics apartment fighting the urge to go back home and hide. Signing I walked up the last flight of stairs before stopping out side the door and closed my eyes tightly. Opening the door I stepped in "what are you doing here" I turned to see Katherine seated on the couch "now now Katerina that's no way to greet our guest" an appealing deep British accent filled the room. I turned slowly coming face to face with a very handsome man with nice blue eyes, I swear I must have a weakness for blue eyes "Jayla how nice of you to visit" I stepped back "Klaus I assume" he smirked stepping around me "first Damon visits me and then you such a pleasure" I stared at him in disbelief "where's Damon" I asked gaining what bravery I had left "you know Jayla when you stepped into the Classroom it really took my breath away" I took another deep breath as my heartbeat quickened "where is he" I tried to keep my tone steady "he's alive for now" I felt my heart sink as I glanced around.

I signed and gathered all the confidence I have "I'm here to ask you to sacrifice me leave Elena alone" I stated firmly, I heard Katherine protest gaining an eye roll "no Elena is the doppleganger I wish to sacrifice" he spoke siting down and leaning his feet on the coffee table "but you want to break this curse and I'm offering my self" he stood up quickly and stepped towards me, I continued to step back until my back hit the wall leaving me trapped, he placed his hands either side of my head "I do not want you dead Jayla I wish you no harm" I chuckled dryly and pushed my face closer to his "which is why you wish to kill my sister" he edged his face even closer to mine "she is just collateral damage" I felt anger boil within me "then what am I" I snapped at him pushing him back slightly "you my sweet Jayla are so much more" I shivered as he brushed his finger along my collar bone "you're a monster"I turned away from him then stopped "it was nice to see you dear Jayla" I glared at him "what about Damon" I asked looking at him "Damon will be with you soon" I closed the Apartment door behind me as I practically ran down the stairs.

I paced the living room with uncle John when we heard the front door open, Stefan walked in looking pale "its time to go" I stopped to look at him "where's Elena" he looked down "she left with Klaus"

"What are we doing here" I asked as we walked into the old witch house "to get Bonnie and your staying here with Jeremy and Alaric" Stefan said pulling me in to the house "what no I'm going with you" I snatched my hand out of his grip and glared at him "like hell you are, Elena wants you here" he pulled me into further in to the house "So what's your master plan" I spat out as Bonnie began chanting as she stood above John, who sat in the chair "I'm binding my life source to you and Elena" I turned to look at him "what" he ignored me as Jeremy walked in "but you can only bind your life to one child" I stared at them in disbelief "no Jayla and Elena are one" I stepped closer to John "why are you doing this" Bonnie stopped chanting and John stood up "because your my daughters"

I stepped back not trusting my voice, Stefan came back in to the room "come on Bonnie its time" I followed Bonnie outside but Jeremy and Ric couldn't get out "Bonnie I told you to lock her in there with us" John hissed Bonnie turned to look at me as I stood next to Stefan "I'm going with you" Stefan grabbed both of my arms "Jayla get your ass in there or I'll compel you Elena said do anything I need to keep you here" my heart shattered as I ripped my hands out of his "I dare you to and I promise I'll never forgive you Klaus won't hurt me" Stefan stood silently as I followed Bonnie in to the woods.

I stood behind the tree as Klaus ripped Jenna's heart out, I let out a small cry gaining Klaus attention "Jayla come here love" I stepped out from behind the tree hearing Bonnie's protests "you killed her" I sneered as my tears flooded my face, I was now face to face with him "you're a monster" he chuckled and spun me around so my back was against his chest. I struggled against his grip "shh love I'm not going to hurt you" what he did next shocked me most, he placed a small kiss on my collar bone before letting me go and walking towards Elena.

The fire ring Elena was sat in disappeared and she stood up "its time my dear" I heard Klaus mumble holding his hand out to her, Elena walked past him ignoring his outstretched hand "I'm so sorry" I whispered as she hugged me tightly "its okay I love you Jay" she pulled away and stood in front of the moonstone fire "please don't do this" I pleaded as Klaus stood behind her and brushed her hair aside "thank you" he whispered before plunging his teeth in to her neck. I dropped to the floor as he dropped Elena's lifeless body, Klaus let out a scream as the sound of his bones breaking filled my ears.

His eyes turned gold. I let my head rest against the floor waiting for it all to be over when a pair of hands picked me up "you shouldn't be here Jayla" Damon picked me up and sat me next to Stefan and Elena's body, Bonnie appeared in the clearing as the lightning suppressed the sky "get them out of here Damon" Stefan yelled painfully, Damon picked up Elena's lifeless body and grabbed my hand speeding out of the woods.............

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