Oh Honey I've Been Called Worse

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Jayla's P.O.V

I stood there as Klaus eyed me "what makes you think Stefan wants to come home" Klaus asked calmly "Because why would anyone want to be stuck with you"I snapped harshly, Klaus smirked "now now sweetheart no need to get nasty" I glared at him, silently wishing I could slap that smirk right off his face "are you serious Klaus you killed my sister" he stared at me a long moment "how about you join us for a drink sweet Jayla you look like you need it" Stefan shook his head "no Klaus part of our deal was to leave every one in mystic falls alone" Klaus appeared In front of me and had my arm In his hand "well Jayla is no longer In  mystic falls" Klaus pulled me to the door "Jayla there's someone id like you too meet"

I sat on the stool next to Klaus "and who is this" a woman asked from behind the bar "this is Jayla one of my doppelgangers but she's more precious" the woman stared at me in fascination "wait she's still alive but you've broken the curse" Klaus grinned "they were twins two doppelgangers" she stared at me in disbelief "impossible. .........I'm Gloria hun" I shook her hand "its nice to meet you" she grasped my hand tightly "no honey the pleasure is mine" she disappeared for a moment then returned with a shot of alcohol "here love it looks like you've had a bad day" I smiled weakly at her.

"Bad year" I took the shot quickly feeling the liquid burn my throat "I'm going to get a drink. A real one." I shivered at the thought of Stefan hurting someone. Klaus just nodded as Stefan got up "so Jayla what have you been doing this summer" Klaus asked when Stefan disappeared completely "I've been helping Damon look for Stefan while you were turning him in to a monster" he grinned at me "some people call it a little guidance" I turned to look at Klaus only to see Damon sitting next to him and Klaus noticed to "I see that they've opened to door to the rif raf" Klaus sneered "oh honey I've been called worse"

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