Your Are Not Going Anywhere

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Jayla's P.O.V

I pulled out my phone hearing it ring "hello" I answered as I sat down next to Caroline "where are you" Elena asked her voice full of panic "I'm still at the picnic with Care and Jeremy, Stefan's gone with Bonnie to ask the witches about a cure for Damon" I answered sitting up straight "Sheriff has me locked in her office and Damon's gone looking for you, he keeps hallucinating Jay and the Cops are looking for him" I shot up to my feet almost falling over at the same time "okay call Stefan and tell him what's going on" I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket "where are you going" Caroline asked as I hurried away from her "I'm going to find Damon keep Jeremy Here" why can't we just have a normal day.

I jogged down towards the projected movie and ducked behind the projector "Damon" I yelled turning around looking through the small crowds of people "Damon" "Jayla" I turned to see Damon staggering towards me, relief filled me as I reach out to him "Damon come on let's get you out of here" I pulled him up and tried to pull him away but before I could react he had me pinned to the wooden telephone pole "Damon what are you doing" I struggled against his grip, I began to panic as I pushed against him "why must you run from me Miss Katherine" I stared up at him in confusion "no Damon Its Jayla" he stared down at my neck and lent in "just a little taste" he whispered, before I could stop him I felt his teeth sink into my flesh "ow Damon stop your hurting me" I pushed him harder and screamed "Damon your hurting me" he drew back his lips covered in my blood "Jayla" he stared up at me as I held my hand to my wound, Damon staggered back and fell to his knees looking up at me.

Damon was completely drenched in his own sweat as he lay next to me, his body trembled as he began to cough again "your okay" I soothed running my fingers through his hair "I'm sorry Jayla" he whispered, I shuffled down so I could be face to face with him "what" he pulled his hand up to my cheek "I've done so much to hurt you, all to get to Stefan" I placed my hand over his and lent in to his touch"its okay" I whispered as my eyes began to gloss over "I know how perfect you are Jayla and I know every thing I did was horrible yet you still gave me a chance to be good" I stared up at him "Damon its okay, I'm not going to let you die not now not ever" I spoke confidently moving closer to him, a few of my own tears had began to escape "no its not. I've made so many bad choices but if I didn't I wouldn't have met you,god I love you" he smiled weakly leaning his head against mine "you should have me in 1864 you would have liked me" he continued weakly as his voice creaked slightly "but I like you now" I whispered moving up to his level "and I wouldn't change anything about you Damon" he looked up at me then at my lips, I lent forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips "thank you" he whispered, I placed my head on his chest.

"Well its really me you should be thanking, I'm the one who brought the cure" my head snapped up to see Katherine who lent against the door frame "here" she tossed me a small bottle of what looked like blood, I quickly fed the blood to Damon "where's Stefan" I asked turning to her "paying for this who knew Klaus' blood was a cure, and Stefan, well he just gave up everything to save his brother including you and Elena" I stepped closer to her and glared "why would he be giving up me" I questioned "well he did consider you family, I mean I don't understand how anyone would be able to give up you" before I could question her she continued "its okay to be loved by two men Jayla, I mean I was loved by god knows how many" and with that she was gone "what just happened" Damon asked as I turned to him, he was already sitting up and looked better. Without thinking I ran and hugged him tightly which he returned "well I'm going to get you a bloodbag" I said awkwardly as I pulled away and quickly left the room.

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