Caroline's Pain

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  Jayla's P.O.V

The sunlight light up my bedroom, I groaned pulling my covers back. I stood up and stretched. I showered and changed in to some clothes before braiding my hair "morning" Elena greeted coming out of the bathroom "morning how did you sleep" she shrugged pulling her dark purple cardigan on "same as always, restlessly" I nodded following her down the stairs "I know the feeling"
Ric was leaning on the counter with painkillers in one hand and a glass of water in one hand.

"Hangover" I asked him with my hand on my hip, he groaned "you have no idea" I poured out some coffee and handed Ric and Elena a cup "did Meredith get home okay last night" Elena asked sitting down at the kitchen table "well she answered my 2am phone call" Ric replied with embarrassment "you didn't" I gasped, he nodded shamefully "oh I did" I burst out laughing "how was it" I asked when i finally stopped laughing, he stood up straight "I'll let you know when I fully remember the conversation" I rolled my eyes smirking at him "how-" I was cut off by a knock at the door.

I opened the door to see Sheriff Forbes "hey Liz what are you doing here" Ric asked from behind Elena and I "can we have a conversation completely off the records, okay" she asked pulling a plastic bag out of her coat "of course" I replied, curious about what she was about to say "as you're fully aware Bryan Walters, our medical examiner was murdered" she help up the plastic bag containing a stake "this stake was driven through his heart" she handed the stake to Ric "it's one of ours" he stated examining it "we ran it for prints but only two clean sets came back" she looked over at Elena and I "both of yours"

I sat at the island in the kitchen staring at the wooden stake that sat on the counter "how could it possibly have your prints on it" Ric examined it again, I jumped as my phone rang loudly "Damon" I stated placing it on loud speaker "hey, Ric called me. So your the prime suspect" I could practically hear the smirk in Damon's voice "she knows it wasn't me Damon but he was killed using one of my family's weapons" I stated rolling my eyes as I fiddled with my sleeve "why don't you ask Ric if his dirty little doctor had access to the weapons" Damon asked rudely, Ric placed the bag of weapons on the table "your on speaker phone dick" Ric hissed in to the phone "I'm just saying first suspect on my list" Damon replied, Elena sat down next to me looking at all the other stakes "Bryan Walters was killed days ago, I only showed Meredith this stuff last night" Ric explained reminding me of Elena and I walking in on them kissing, in my opinion it was rather cute.

"It's not Meredith" Elena sassed pulling her hair up "but Bryan Walters was her ex boyfriend and Ric saw them fighting the night of the fund raiser" I lent over the phone "it's not Meredith Damon, I refuse to believe that your luck with women is that tragic" I stated looking up at Ric "well who else knows about your secret slayer stash" I rolled my eyes at the phone and shook my head "who doesn't we got weapons everywhere here, the school, my loft and your car" Ric sat down at the kitchen table opposite Elena and I "it's Klaus, it's gotta be. He's just screwing with us" Elena sat back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest "what about Stefan, he was crazy that night and he wanted to get under Klaus', He was capable of pretty much anything" I could here the pain in her voice "aww makes me wish for the time when Stefan was a bunnie snacking vegetarian. Anyway gotta go, I'll call you later Jayla" Damon said sweetly causing Ric to look up at me "hey where are you" Ric asked quickly "tea with an old friend" Damon whispered before the line went dead. Elena stood up and grabbed her coat "where are you going" I asked looking up at her "to see Stefan" I shook my head "are you sure that's a good idea" she inhaled deeply "yeah, I'll see you guys later"

I stood in the corridor of the hospital waiting for Caroline and Mr Forbes "hey that was fast, where is he" I asked Caroline when she finished her conversation with Meredith "doctor Fell said she signed his discharge papers last night and she seems perfectly nice by the way, a little intense maybe but I think is is cute that you want to make sure Rics not dating a total psycho" she said pulling out her phone and dialing her dad's number "he's my family, I want to look out for him" I told her smiling slightly.

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