Losing Control

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Jayla's P.O.V

"I really don't want to do this" I mumbled as Matt rolled up his sleeves "Jayla its okay, I kind of owe you my life" he said smiling at me, I crossed my arms over my chest and signed "yeah, but I didn't make Stefan save your life so that I could turn you in to a human blood bag" I exclaimed looking around "Jayla please, just let me do this for you" Matt said softly as he held his wrist out to me. I carefully bit in to his wrist allowing the blood to fill my mouth. I could feel my self slowly losing control so I pulled away quickly "is that enough"Matt asked, I placed a bandage over his wound "yeah thank you" I lied smoothly.

"Are you sure school is the best place for you right now" Matt questioned as we jumped down from our hiding spot "well the hunter knows Damon's a vampire and he knows I'm close to Damon, so staying at home would just make it more suspicious" I told him as we walked in to school, I turned and smiled at him "plus I want to be here, it's my senior year and I've survived this long" he chuckled pushing my shoulder slightly,pushing me in to Alaric's old class room. I sat down in my seat and stared ahead at the chalk board "hey, you okay" Elena as she took her seat behind me, I nodded "this is the first time we've been in this classroom since Ric died" she whispered from behind me as Stefan sat down next to her.

Suddenly the classroom door opened and Rebekah walked in with a huge smile on her face "hey join me for my anti-curfew party at my new house" she sang as she handed out a few leaflets. She approached us with a smile "Jayla your invited of course, and Elena feel free to tag a long maybe we can bury the hatchet" she said as she handed me a leaflet "it's a pretty big hatchet" Elena spat out glaring at Rebekah "yeah, well I'm feeling generous" Rebekah shot back shrugging her shoulders, Elena took the leaflet from my hands and snorted "new house huh, did your brother finally kick you out" she snapped harshly "Elena" I warned sending her a glare "he didn't kick me out, I left"Rebekah replied calmly "so you left the only person on earth who actually likes you" Elena said bitterly, I straightened up in my seat and looked up at Rebekah "Elena" I snapped. Rebekah sent a small smile my way before staring back at Elena "well your boyfriend liked me once, well actually a lot more than once" I stood up ignoring their bickering "I'll be back in a minute" I stated leaving Stefan to deal with the arguing pair.

I'm not mad at Rebekah for causing our accident, she was hurt and reckless. She thought Klaus was dead and she wanted revenge, call me crazy but I can understand that. Elena however, is filled with rage and probably jealousy too, I mean Stefan and Rebekah do have a pretty messy past.

I decided to take a break so I sat down on one of the benches in the school parking lot, I watched as everyone made their way to class in a hurry like it was their only worry. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't turn to see who it was "hello love" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest "what are you doing here" I spat as I pushed my myself to the edge of the bench "I heard about your transition, I came as soon as I heard and especially with the new hunter" he explained sitting down next to me "my transition is none of your concern" I snapped harshly, Klaus smiled slightly "I take it you are still made at me" he mused nudging me slightly, I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrows "are you serious, you tried to kill my sister twice, you wanted to turn me and then your sister successfully killed us"

Klaus stared at me with an unreadable expression "if I was to apologize would you except it" his words caught me off guard as I looked up at him. I thought about it for a moment before twisting slightly so that I was facing him "if you meant it, I might be able to over look it" with that said I stood up and walked away.

I decided call Damon and he told me to meet him at the hospital, I walked in to the hospital to see Jeremy"hey what are you doing here" I questioned crossing my arms over my chest "I lured the hunter here so Damon and Klaus could trap him" he spoke quickly, I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight on to one leg. Of course Klaus was here "I'll be right back" I told him bluntly as I spun on my heels and headed toward the supply room. I opened the door to see Damon and Klaus standing in front of the man from the funeral "ahh speaking of true beauty" the man spat out as he stared at me "eyes she's beautiful trust me we know, now tell me what you know" Klaus demanded while Damon turned to look at me, I shrugged my shoulders innocently "Jayla you remember Connor right" Damon said sarcastically. Damon moved to stand next to me and reached out to pull me closer to me, Klaus bent down to Connors level "no tell us what you know" he growled, Connor suddenly pulled out a stake and launched it towards Klaus.

Klaus smirked as he caught his arm"nice try but I'm faster than your average vampire" he said as he twisted Connor's arm backwards, Klaus snatched the stake out of his hand and examined it "your one of the five" Klaus whispered "one of the what" I questioned glancing between them both, before Klaus could reply Connor smirked and raised his hand "I'm faster than you're average hunter" and with that my body was launched backwards as the grenade exploded.

I groaned rolling on to my side as I coughed "are you okay?" I heard Damon mumble from behind me"yeah" Damon pulled me to my feet and turned my around so that I was facing him "looks like Klaus took off" he mumbled glancing around the burning room "typical" I shook my head as Damon pulled me out of the burnt room "see I told you I can be a bad ass" Jeremy told as we approached him "Jeremy stop talking" I snapped placing my hand out in front of me.

"Doc nice job" Damon said gaining Meredith's attention "you told me the plan was to lead him to the store room" Meredith snapped at him, Damon shrugged his shoulders"and we did, congrats" Meredith squinted her eyes at him "you left out the part about blowing up the hospital where there are patients who are sick, they don't need an explosion happening down the hall from them" she sneered, I walked over to them and placed my hand on Damon's arm "please no one got hurt" Damon said rolling his eyes. I tugged on his arm "come on, lets go home" I told him, Damon looked down at me for a moment before glancing back at Meredith "go, I'll meet you in the car" I huffed out a breath as I turned around and walked towards the entrance. Just as I was about to open the door I overheard Meredith "you need her, so hold on to her Damon"


I sat next to Damon in the Grill while he sipped his bourbon "how are you feeling" he asked turning to look at me "I'm fine" I said quietly staring down at my drink. Damon placed his hand on my thigh and turned my seat to face him"really, because you can not sit still" he stated gesturing to my shaking leg, I rolled my eyes and looked away from him "I'm fine Damon" Damon sat back in his seat and signed.

"You've been awfully quiet all day" Damon stated glancing at me "I've just had a lot on my mind" I mumbled not looking at him. The truth is that I'm starving and I'm trying to stay in control, which was draining every ounce of my energy.

I held my glass between my palms and rolled it back and forth, while I focused on drowning out the sound of the sound of blood pumping through the veins of those around me. Suddenly the glass shattered between my palms, Damon was quick to react as he jumped up from his seat "hey, careful" he took the shards of glass away from my hands "I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom" I rushed out as I sped towards the bathroom.

My head pounded as I burst in to the bathroom, I lent against the sink and stared at my reflection. I could see the veins surfacing under my eyes, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Suddenly the bathroom door slammed open as a girl stumbled in laughing to herself, the sound of her heart pumping blood around her body filled my ears. I hissed causing my face to change, I sped in front of her and grabbed her arms. I stared in to her eyes"you won't scream" I felt my pupils dilate as I compelled her,without any hesitation I sunk my teeth in to her neck. I closed my eyes as the hot liquid filled my mouth. The girl struggled against me but I just tightened grip on her "Jayla" suddenly I was torn off of the girl. I looked up to see Damon standing there looking at me, I growled launching myself towards the girl again but Damon held me back "Jayla stop"

I instantly froze as I stared the young girl "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to" I gushed out as I pulled at the ends of my hair. Damon quickly compelled the girl to forget what happened and leave, I began pacing up and down "hey it's okay"Damon soothed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to stop "I nearly killed her Damon" I snapped pulling away from him, the guilt was almost unbearable "you're a vampire Jayla, this is going to happen and your going to get through this" he yanked me in to his chest and rested his head against mine "I'm going to help you"  

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