There's My Girls

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Jayla's P.O.V

Elena and I walked alone side Caroline across the square, towards the grill "I'm sorry for what Damon did to your dad Caroline" I apologized turning to look at her, Caroline smiled sweetly "it's not your fault Jayla" she replied rubbing my arm reassuringly "Damon's just in a bad place with all the stuff regarding Stefan" Elena explained, Caroline snorted and turned to face up "yeah well that doesn't make him any less Damon" she exclaimed sarcastically as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Yes well if Damon wants to be in our lives then h-" Caroline cut Elena off as we stopped walking "just admit it Elena, Damon has gotten under both of your skins okay, Jayla you are attracted to him and you Elena can't help but want to change him" I kept my mouth shut not wanting to get myself involved on this topic "okay fine maybe I have been trying to turn him in to Stefan but the what does that say about me" Elena confessed painfully as she stared down at her shoes. Caroline's face softened "it means your human Elena, both of you" I smiled softly at her as I grasped Elena's hand in mine and held it tightly.

Caroline stiffened when she noticed something over our shoulders "whats wrong Care" I turned to see Bill Forbes walking towards his car "go Care we'll meet you later'' I told her giving her an encouraging hug, Caroline took a deep breath before finally making her way over to her dad. I turned to Elena and signed dramatically "are you okay" she looked up at me and stiffly nodded "come on, lets go home" I said pulling her along.

I sat on the sofa with Elena's head on my lap while we watched some horror movies, I jumped at the sound of the door opening then Ric came strolling in "how are you feeling" I asked him getting up and stretching "other than the raging neck ache I'm good" he joked turning on the coffee machine "I'm sorry about your neck" I mumbled earning a short laugh from Ric before he pulled me in to a hug "I'm fine and it's not your fault" I shrugged pulling away from him and looking back at Elena, who had just hung up the phone "who was that" I questioned sitting on the edge of the sofa "that was Caroline, we need to get dressed because we have to be at the school for mischief night" I groaned picking my self up and dragging myself up the stairs.

I changed in to some black skinning jeans and a dark silk blue tank top with my leather jacket, I pulled my long ringlets over my shoulder before returning back down stairs "I can't believe we're doing this" I mumbled to Elena as we got into her car, she chuckled turning on the engine "neither can I"

I mumbled a list of curse words In frustration as all the rat traps we just set went off when Matt opened the class room door. I stood up and raised my eyebrows at him "Matt do you have any idea how long it took for us to set all these" he placed a hand over his heart and stared at us all with confusion "oh my god Matt don't tell me you forgot about mischief night" Caroline whined resetting the rat trap "no I just assumed you wouldn't be doing it with everything going on" he stated trying to defend him self, Elena smiled "come on Matt if we're doing this your doing it" she said pointing at him.

Caroline continued to rant on about making memories,  I noticed the super glue and picked it up, dragging Elena towards the door "where are you two going" Caroline asked, I held up the superglue "to superglue Alarics draw shut, we're making memories" Caroline clapped her hands together as we left the classroom, turning a corner I bumped into something hard causing Elena to bump in to me, I jumped back staring up at him "Klaus" Elena gasped out

"There's my girls"

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