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Jayla's P.O.V

I cursed as I entered the police station, Ric had been arrested and apparently Meredith is accusing him of being the murder who killed the council members. Elena was out jogging so I told her I'd take care of this. I signed as I saw Damon walking towards me "where you just with Ric" I asked quickly "yeah he's fine just behind bars, sheriff Forbes told me to stay out of it" Damon stated calmly, I raised my eyebrow at him "your not going to are you?" Damon smirked turning his body towards mind "seems just as good a plan as any" I shook my head at him "your friends in jail for murder, you have to do something" I exclaimed throwing my arms out "well I could always rip doctor Fells tongue out and chew it in to tiny little pieces then feed it to the squirrels" Damon said making a hissing sound, I shook my head at him "suddenly me staying out of it is a good idea, you know I saved your life last night. Your welcome" I stepped back slightly "you know, you could show a little compassion for Bonnie and her mother" I spat angrily. Damon lent forward so his chest was against mine "you right she and her mother must be really hurting, should I send lasagna" I stared at him in disbelief "your an ass" I stated turning around "I know, you hate me, now all is right in the world" he sassed, I froze and turned to face him "if you keep pushing people away your going to end up alone" and with that I stalked out of the station.

I pulled my coat closer to my body as of lent against to hood of my car. Elena and I were waiting for Meredith to arrive for her shift "how could she do this to him" Elena thought out loud. As is on que Meredith's car pulled in to the parking lot and she got out "if your here to plead for Ric make it quick I'm due in surgery" Meredith spat "we don't need to, we know his innocent" I resorted,  Meredith spun around on her heel "do you, did you know he was arrested for five accounts of violence before the age of 21. And his future wife Isobelle filed a restraining order against him twice, but then again she married him" I felt anger boil inside me as I stepped towards her "he didn't do it and you know it" I spat through clenched teeth "you date vampires, it shouldn't come as a shock that your guardian is a murderer" Meredith stated before she spun around and rushed off. I turned to Elena "I hate her so much"

"Be quiet" I hissed as Matt almost tripped on to me, Elena, Matt and I were sneaking into Meredith's apartment "if we get caught we're fucked" I commented as we searched around her living room. I rummaging through a stack of papers on her kitchen table "there's nothing here" I told Elena as I moved over to her, Elena looked up and I practically saw the light bulb go off him her head. Elena stood up quickly and opened the closet "what are you doing" Matt hissed, Elena knocked her hand against the back of the closet as it made a hollow sound "ahh skeletons in the closet, like a true founder" I knelt down next to Elena as she pulled out a box filled with flies "this is Rics knife, but why would she keep it" Matt asked holding the up the plastic bag which contained the knife "I have no idea, she said she handed everything in" Elena exclaimed.

I shuffled through the folders in my hand "oh my god, Bill Forbes, Bryan Walters and Alaric Saltzman" I stated handing the folders so Elena "didn't sheriff Forbes say the time of death was between 1 and 3 in the morning" Matt asked holding a file in his hand "yeah, why" Matt held the file up "because this letter from the morgue states the time of death at 11" Suddenly we heard the door being unlocked, I grabbed the box and pulled in back in to the closet before shutting the door, trapping us inside. I heard Meredith shuffle around the living room before the front door close again. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding "that was close" I smirked opening the closet door. I turned coming face to face with Meredith and I let out a shriek and practically jumped in to Matt's arms.

I let my head hang in shame as Sheriff Forbes rambled on about how much trouble we were "do you realize what I risk everyday to keep your secret" she placed her hands on the table "now please get out of my office and go home ,Alaric will be released when the letter is finalized" signing in relief I got up and left her office with Matt and Elena following silently behind me. I pulled out my car keys as we left the station "at least Ric can come home now" I said pulling my coat tighter to my body "I still can't believe Meredith-" Elena cut her self off as she stared over my shoulder, I turned around to see Stefan and Damon.

Stefan had blood covering his lips and chin, while Damon held a young woman in a tight grasp "relax Elena lets not make this anymore dramatic than it has to be" Damon soothed while Elena stared at Stefan in horror. Damon locked eyes with mine and he looked down shamefully "come on lets go, Jayla" Matt growled grabbing my arm and dragging Elena I towards the car.

"Thanks" Matt handed me a cup of hot coco "you okay" he asked Elena, who was staring at her cup "I'm fine" she said softly. Matt shook his head "Elena they're vampires, what did you expect" Elena shrugged gently "I know and as crazy as is sounds, with Stefan I always felt safe. I knew that he was real and that he wouldn't leave" she explained looking down at her hands "he wouldn't die" Matt concluded. Elena nodded as Matt turned to look at me "and you always seem to go for the assholes" I chuckled sitting back in my chair "Damon he kind of just snuck up on me, I can't seem to shake him and to be honest I don't think I want to" Elena stared at me as I looked down at my drink "hey I have something for you both" Matt stated changing the subject, he pulled out a journal "you took the journal" I questioned, Matt smiled "yeah, it's your family journal so you should have it" I gently took it from his hands "thanks Matt"

I sat on the couch opposite Elena as she read the journal out to me " so it's not Jonathan Gilbert's journal" I questioned raising my eyebrows at her "no, it was Samantha Gilbert's his granddaughter" I nodded sipping my peppermint tea, I jumped as Ric burst through the front door "Ric" I gasped as I  jumped up from my seat and hugged him "I'm glad your home" I gushed. Ric pulled away and gave Elena and I a stern look "Sheriff Forbes told me what you both did today, I know you were only looking out for me but I don't want you getting in trouble again, it's supposed to be me taking care of you" he explained leaning on the back of the couch "how about we agree to take care of each other" Elena suggested, Ric smiled slightly and nodded "okay deal, is that one of Johnathan Gilbert's journals" Ric asked examining the old leather book "actually no, it's his granddaughter Samantha Gilbert's journal and she sounds just as crazy as her grandfather." I chuckled wrapping my arms around myself "well I'm going to bed so I'll see you both in the morning" I kissed Ric's cheek and gave Elena a hug before I dragged myself up stairs to my room.

I changed in to some pajamas and pulled my curls in to a messy bun, I slipped under my duvet and pulled it up to my chin. Then the guilt set in. Bonnie's mom was a vampire and it was partly my fault, I don't understand why everyone want's to keep me alive so badly. I don'r want anyone else to get hurt because of me. I cursed as a small tear made its escape down my cheek, and before I knew it I fell it to a darkness filled with guilt.

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