I'm Human

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Jayla's P.O.V

And then there's me. I'm human, at least I was.

It was white, everything was white and I wanted out, I wanted out right now.

I gasped trying to fill my lungs will as much oxygen as possible, I jumped up in to sitting position as I tried to ease the dull ache in my chest. My breathing was uneasy as I stared around the room with a panicked expression, my eyes landed of Damon and Stefan "Damon" I choked out in confusion "hey it's okay, you've been in and out for hours" Stefan explained as he reached out for my hand whereas Damon sat on my window seat watching "what happened" I asked rubbing my chest. 

Stefan looked down at our hands before meeting my gaze "you were in an accident" I gasped remembering the events from last night "oh my god Matt and Elena are they-" Damon cut me off "alive ask Stefan the hero" I looked over at Damon and held his gaze for a moment before looking back at Stefan "he's fine" I breathed out a sign of relief "thank you, wait what about Elena. How did you-" again Damon cut me off "save you, he didn't" I stared at them in confusion waiting for an explanation, Stefan was the first to speak "when Jeremy took you to the hospital before all this happened, your injuries were a lot worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice and she used Damon's blood to heal you" Stefan explained as he squeezed my hand "and when Rebekah ran Matt's truck off the road you had vampire blood in your system" Damon said coldly.

I sat back as the tears welled up, I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair "does that mean that I...am I dead" I asked raising my voice slightly, Stefan looked down at our hands again clearly confirming my fears "no this can't be happening, this wasn't supposed to happen" I cried as I wrapped my arms around my self "maybe it doesn't have to be this way, I've spoke to Bonnie and she thinks there's a way we can help you and Elena-" I shot up off the bed and stared at them both "what do you mean Elena, where is she" I spat harshly, neither one of them spoke as realization hit me. I slowly dropped back down on to the bed with my hand clamped over my mouth "we were bound by Esters spell so when I died so did she" I whispered to myself "is she okay" I said as I turned to face Stefan "shes downstairs, she woke up hours ago but shes been worrying herself sick about you. Bonnie say there might be away and I promise you I will exhaust everything possible to help you" Damon snorted "no the only thing that's going to help them is for them to feed and complete the transition" Stefan stood up and turned to face Damon "we have all day before they have to feed Damon, That gives us a day to find a way out" Stefan said sternly, just then Elena came rushing in to the room "Elena" I gasped as I shot up to hug her "I thought you weren't going to wake up" she cried in to my shoulder "I'm here now" I whispered soothingly, Damon stood up gain all our attention "there is no way out of this, we all know the drill you either feed or die, there is no door number three"

Damon, Stefan and Elena left the room so that I could shower and change "Elena I'm so sorry" I whispered to myself as I stared at mt reflection. There was a slight ringing in my ears and my jaw ached I placed my fingers against my temple and tried to ease the pain, everything in my room seemed brighter and it hurt my eyes. I noticed a figure leaning against my door frame "Jeremy" I gushed rushing towards him, I threw arms around him "are you okay, I watched Vicki go through this and she was a mess, her emotions were all over the place and old memories came flooding back" I shook my head silencing Jeremy "I'm fine Jere, I'm not Vicki" I could hear a light buzzing coming from lamp and it made it hard to focus on Jeremy "I know your not but your you and you act like everything's okay so that no one worries about you" I turned to look at him "I said I'm fine" I snapped but when I saw the look on Jeremys face I instantly regretted it "Jeremy I'm sorry, have you spoke to Bonnie" I asked rubbing my forehead "yeah, she said that when I was shot she made a plea to the witch spirits to bring me back and they listened" he explained, I crossed my arms over my chest "yes but the consequences were horrible" I shot back "what could be more horrible than you turning in to a vampire, I need my sisters not another two of them" my face softened as I looked up at him, I grabbed his hands "we're going to find a way out of this everything is going to be okay" I reassured him and myself "I hope so" he kissed my cheek before turning and walking away. I signed as the buzzing got louder, I let out a groan of frustration and ripped the lamp shade off grabbing the lightbulb which shattered in my hand.

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