Murder House

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Jayla's P.O.V

I threw my bag on the couch as I stalked over to the kitchen, I had just finished training with Stefan and Elena. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Damon casually seated at the kitchen counter "what are you doing here" I asked raising my eyebrows up at him "we're going on a road trip to help Bonnie" he said smirking, he stood up and made his way over to me. I crossed my arms over my chest "when do we leave" Damon chuckled and grabbed my hand "now, Elena and Bonnie are in the car" he stated as he gently dragged me out of the house "great"

The car ride was smooth, I sat up front while Elena and Bonnie sat in the back. I lent my head against the window listening to Elena and Bonnie talk about the professor we were going to see, I felt Damon place his hand on my leg "your shaking the car" he stated as he steadied my leg, I rolled my eyes and lent my head against the window "are we there yet" I huffed losing my patience.

Suddenly the car came to a steady stop"as a matter of fact we are" Damon smirked. I got out of the car followed by Elena, Bonnie and Damon "are you sure your okay with this, I mean I don't understand why I'm not like Elena, why I can't keep down animal blood" I said to Bonnie once again "if I could spell you out of wanting blood then I would, but I can't so better you learn this now than at freshman orientation" she said shrugging her shoulders "something tells me college isn't in our future anymore" Elena said moving to stand next to me. I crossed my arms over my chest as Damon nudged my shoulder "oh stop with the pity party,if I can go to college you can go to college" we all turned to stare at Damon "you went to college" Bonnie stated skeptically making me smile.

"Sure plenty of times, I always had a thing for sorority girls" Damon stated cockily, I rolled my eyes pushing past "you're disgusting" I sang as I walked away from him with Elena and Bonnie following closely behind "I know" he replied catching up with us.

"Is that him" Elena whispered as we snuck in to the dark lecture room "yeah, he's kinda hot" Bonnie whispered, I smiled agreeing with her. We sat down in the empty row at the back "so when I say witch, what do you think of, Halloween costumes and fancy dress parties, or even your ex girlfriend. But in reality the have appeared in every culture, they are the architects of the super natural. Responsible for every dark creature of the night like Werewolves, Vampire and Dopplegangers" Mr Professor continued as he change the slide to a picture of a witch.

Damon snorted "what is this guy,witchapedia" I choked out a laugh and nudged his shoulder "will you stop" Bonnie scowled making me smile innocently at her "now if you were skeptical you'd call that a coincidence but the real believers now the truth, urm excuse me am I interrupting" the professor said loudly gaining our attention, I sat up straight and coughed "I was just expressing my love of witches" Damon smiled charmingly at the older man "yeah, you and me both brother"

"Come on, its easy Jayla. You just single her out and compel her just like we practiced" Damon explained once more as we followed closely behind the teenage blonde"I can do this" I whispered to my self as I approached her, I reached out and tapped her shoulder "oh Hi" she gleamed as she turned to look at me, I plastered a fake smile across my face "Hey you're in my mythology class right" she nodded her head eagerly "I totally zoned out and forgot to get the readings for tomorrows lecture, do you have them" I asked pulling my hair over my shoulder and glancing back at Damon "yeah sure" as she reached into her bag I grabbed her hand causing her to look up at me "you won't scream" I compelled. Before I could plunge my teeth in to her neck I noticed the phone in her hand "who is that" I asked referring to the picture on her lock screen "oh that's my little sister"she said bluntly, I dropped her hand and stepped back as the guilt hit my like a truck "get out of here, go back to class"

I signed to myself before turning back to look at Damon "what the hell are you doing" he asked looking down at me "when I saw the picture" I trailed off as I glanced around me "everyone is someone's father, brother or sister. That's just the way it is Jayla, you don't know these people why do you care" he asked grabbing my hand. I shook my head "I care Damon its who I am and I'm not supposed to be a vampire" I snapped walking towards Elena and Bonnie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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