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"I'm not sure about this Damon" I stated once again. I stood in the boarding house next to Elena "what if something goes wrong"  I felt really uneasy about it all "I ensure you that as long as Stefan lures Klaus in to Mystic falls, nothing will go wrong" shivers ran down my spine as I turned to face Mikael. Stefan sat on the arm chair "just a quick question how are you going to kill Klaus and what happens when Klaus wants to see your body, your dead body" Damon asked leaning against me slightly "I have a stake hidden where only I can find it and Klaus will definitely want proof" Mikael pulled out a dagger "you want us to dagger you" Mikael shook his head and pointed the dagger at Elena "no I want you to dagger me"

Stefan called Klaus and convinced him of Mikaels death, Klaus would be here by tonight at the homecoming dance. Elena pulled the dagger out of Mikaels chest and then handed the dagger to Damon "so I think you should sit homecoming out" Damon said turning to me "I don't want you to have any part in this" he added, I shook my head at him "no, if you and Elena are going then I'm going" he was about to protest when Elena cut in "well I already have a dress so I'm going to go see how Caroline's getting on with the decorations;  maybe that'll get my mind off of tonight" I smiled silently thanking Elena "okay well I'm going to go get a dress" I quickly grabbed my keys before Damon could protest.

I pulled in to the grill and saw Rebekah sitting in the outside seating area alone,  signing I made my way towards her "hey" she looked up and smiled slightly "hey Jayla" I sat down in the seat opposite her "are you okay" I asked as she kept glancing down "I'm a thousand years old Jayla and I have nothing to show for it" I looked around and "that's because you spent most of those centuries with your brother" she looked upset and distressed "why are you being nice to me Jayla, your sister hates me" I shrugged looking over at her "you've done nothing to me, anyway I just wanted to ask you if you want to come with me to pick out a dress for tonight" she looked kind of shocked but she smiled genuinely "sure I would love too"

Rebekah had picked me out a gorgeous dress, and it matched my shoes nicely. We had spent 2 hours finding a dress and now I was in Damon's bathroom with him "I can't believe you were alone with her" Damon stated again "Damon she didn't hurt me I'm fine" he cleaned out another vervain grenade "hey brother do you have any ties" Stefan asked popping his head round the corner "no you have your own ties" Damon snorted taking the grenade from my hands "I'm a 160 year old vampire going to a high school dance, I need more ties" I turned to face Stefan with my hand on my hip "you could always not go" I stated sarcastically, Stefan chuckled walking away.

I turned back to Damon and crossed my arms over my chest "Damon I'm still not sure about this someone might get hurt" Damon signed and placed the grenade on the counter and moved to face me, he placed his hands on the sides of my face and crouched down to my level "do you trust me Jayla" I nodded "of cause I do" he smiled slightly and pulled me into his chest, I could feel his chin rest on my head as his hand ran down my back "the plan will work and by the end of the night you and I and everyone else will be safe and Klaus will be dead".......

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