Dinner Drama

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Jayla's P.O.V

I paced the living room "why would she do that" I snapped "to be all heroic and all" Damon said sarcastically as he sipped his bourbon, I turned and glared at him "why didn't she tell us that Elijah was planning on sacrificing her all along" he stepped closer placing his hands on my shoulders "maybe because she has a sister who is stupid enough to sacrifice her self as well" I gently pushed him away "so what are we going to do" I asked desperately, Damon smirked his famous Salvatore smirk "I have a plan" I waited for him to continue but he didn't "which is" he chuckled as he walked to the door "kill Elijah" I stared at him with my eyebrows raised "when" I questioned, he poured another bourbon "tonight at the dinner party I'm throwing, Jenna and Alaric are coming" Damon explained, sighing I sat down on the sofa "so what time should I be here by"I asked casually, Damon let out a small laugh "your not coming" I shot up and glared at him "wait why" he turned to look at me with a slightly amused expression "because if anything does go wrong I don't want you there" I crossed my arms over my chest "if Jenna's going so am I"
"Damon please" he stared at me for a moment "fine but any thing happens your straight out of there" I nodded quickly as he placed another table setting down then he turned around to face me "John gave me a dagger that will kill Elijah" I gaped at him before pointing at him with a deadly glare "and what if Elijah sees it coming and kills you" Damon shrugged like the thought of Elijah killing him didn't bother him at all "he won't see it coming" he handed me a drink "drink that then go home get something to wear then come back okay"

I stood awkwardly as Jenna and Alaric took there seats, I jumped at the sound of the door "I'll get it" I said quickly as I walked to the door. I opened it to reveal elijah "good evening Jayla you look stunning" I thanked him but before he could say anything I stepped out closing behind me "Elijah I would like to ask you a favor" his eyebrow raised as I fiddled with the hem of my dress "that depends on what the favor is Little Jayla" I stepped closer to him and glanced around "let me take Elena's place" he chuckled and ran a finger down my cheek "I can't do that, you see part of Elena's deal was that no matter what you remain unharmed and that you remain out of Klaus's reach" I was about to protest when the door swung opened revealing Damon "Elijah please do come in" Elijah gave me a gentle push "Jayla why don't you go inside it's a little cold out here while I have a little chat with Damon" I nodded and ducked under Damon's arm into the house.

I walked into the dining room to see John, who looked over at me and frowned "I didn't think I would see you here Jayla" I sat down at the table and smiled sweetly "of course I would be here uncle John" I really didn't trust him, like at all. John sat down at the end of the table just as Damon and Elijah walked in and took there seats. I was sat quietly while Damon and John eyed each other. Elijah, Jenna and Alaric spoke about the history of mystic falls. It was pretty awkward.

Jenna disappeared into the kitchen to collect more wine "Elijah did you know that john is actually Jayla and Elena's biological father but of course they hate him so there's really no need to keep him on the endangered list" I gave Damon a hard glare "I'm well aware of the situation regarding Jayla and Elena's parents" Elijah stated looking over at me, Jenna in holding a bottle of wine "why don't the gentle man take their drinks into the study while Jayla and I clean this up" Jenna said handing the bottle of wine to Alaric while I began collecting plates.

I placed the last dish in the dish washer when Alaric sped past me "what's going on" I said urgently when I noticed the look on his face "John set Damon up" that was all he said before rushing off in to the study, I followed behind him closely "ah Jenna forgot dessert so can you please go back into the dining room" Alaric said smoothly while Damon sent daggers at his head "what are you doing" Damon hissed when Elijah left the room, Alaric pulled out a pen and began writing on a napkin, Damon picked it up and let out a small growl before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the dining room.

I sat down quietly, Elijah gave everyone a look "just to be clear I let Jayla and Elena live in their house as a kindness if you are planning anything I would reconsider because I will take Jayla and Elena away and you won't see Elena again and you won't see Jayla until the sacrifice is over" I shuddered at the thought, Elijah was about to finish when a dagger plunged through his chest from behind, I let out a small shriek "clean this up before Jenna gets back" Alaric hissed slamming the dagger on to the table.

Alaric and Damon took Elijah's body down to the cellar, I stood at the window "yeah its done" I heard Damon say from behind me. I turned to see him putting his phone down "your an idiot" I hit his chest "ow what was that for" I hit him again but harder this time "did it not appear a bit strange that John wanted to help you. It could have killed you" he grabbed my arms stopping my assault "yes but it didn't" Damon said arrogantly before smirked at me "whatever Damon" I pushed past him and walked down the stairs trying to rid my anger, I jumped when I heard a noise from the cellar. Following the noise it led me in to the cell where Elijah's body had been dumped but no one was there, I turned around ready to shout Damon but I was grabbed cutting my scream off..............

Elijah dragged me over to the lake house "I'm a very patient man I'll wait you out" Elijah yelled knocking the door down, Elena came into view "I'm sorry for what my friends did but I want to renegotiate our deal" Elijah raised his eyebrows at her "you have nothing to negotiate with" Elena pulled a knife out from behind her hair "swear to our deal or I'll stab myself " Elijah chuckled and grabbed my hand "I have Jayla" I carefully pulled out the pocket knife Damon gave me. I plunged the knife into Elijah's hand making him let me go. I ran into Elena's arms "don't do this Elena" I whispered as she pushed me behind her "swear to our deal or the doppleganger bleeds to death" Elijah smirked "Stefan will never let you do it" Elena signed "no he won't but he'll feed me his blood then I'll kill myself and become a vampire just like Katherine did" Elijah's eyes flickered to me "what about Jayla" I noticed a butcher knife on the stairs without thinking I grabbed it "it looks like Stefan and Damon will have twin vampires on their hands" Elijah looked away from us for a moment "I'm sorry Jayla but I'm calling your bluff" Elena and I exchanged looks, I felt my heart rate increase.

Taking a deep breath I plunged the knife in to my stomach the same time Elena did "no" Elijah sped to the door but was stopped by the invisible wall "swear to me" Elena hissed in pain , I gasped for aie as I clutched my wound "I swear now come out and let me heal you" I stepped forward "give us your word" he signed impatiently "I give you my word" Elena stumble towards him pulling the dagger out of her shirt and into his heart. Elijah fell to the floor as Damon appeared catching me before I fell, he held his bleeding wrist up to my lips feeding me his blood.

We placed Elijah's body in the cellar with the dagger still in his heart "okay you want us to fight we'll fight but we do it our way" Elena said turning to Damon and Stefan "no secret agendas or putting your own life in danger and no keeping secrets" I said looking at Damon with my arms crossed over my chest "okay" Stefan said with out any hesitation. I looked over at Damon raising my eye brows "urg fine okay"I nodded in satisfaction before I spun around on my heel and began walking up the stairs with Damon following closely behind me, leaving Stefan and Elena alone.

We had reached the top of the stairs when Damon spoke "I'm sorry" I froze in my tracks and turned to him "pardon" I asked smiling slightly, he chuckled raising his brows at me "your going to make me say it again okay I'm sorry I put my self in danger" he pulled me into an unexpected hug "its okay just don't do it again" we stayed like that for a moment "well isn't this cozy"....................

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