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Jayla's P.O.V

I woke up in the boarding house with my head on Damon's lap "what happened" I croaked out sitting up "Damon found you in the hall" Elena said as she sat in the arm chair wrapped in a blanket "what happened after Klaus took me" Damon patted my hair gently before answering "Klaus figured that it's doppleganger blood that is needed for his hybrids to survive, Klaus then compelled Stefan to turn his humanity off, Stefan then fed on Elena" Damon explained, I sat up quickly and knelt  down in front of Elena, I gave her a look "I'm fine Jay" she sounded heart broken and It killed me.

"Here" I turned to Damon who held out my necklace "where were you Damon" I asked taking the necklace from him "I'm so sorry, I promise I will never leave you again" He said softly, I nodded and wiped away a stray tear. Damon pulled me back down on the the couch and pulled my into him.

"Well isn't this cosy" I shot to my feet along side Damon, Stefan lent against the door frame "what are you doing here brother" Damon asked bitterly while pulling me behind him "well Klaus skipped town so he compelled me to keep his doppelgänger blood bag, his hybrid and his girl safe" great so now I'm Klaus' girl" my voice full of hatred, ignoring me Stefan strolled over to the bourbon table and poured himself a glass "oh but please do continue" he said gesturing between Damon and I. When Stefan had disappeared I turned to Damon "now what"

The next morning I got and got in to the shower then dressed for school, I pulled my waist long hair up into a ponytail, I made my way towards Elena's room "hey Elena you nearly ready" she came out of her room with a scarf around her neck and I instantly felt bad "I'm ready".

I walked in between Caroline and Elena as we entered the school "this is senior year guys, this is what we've been waiting for" Caroline chirped waving her hands about "except for the face that my boyfriend is now a hybrid" she added quietly "or that mine is seeing the ghosts of his ex girlfriends" Bonnie added signing deeply, I chuckled knowing that she had nothing to worry about and that Jeremy would always choose her, I mean she's Bonnie Bennett

"Today is our anniversary" we stopped and turned to Elena "Stefan and I meet on the first day of school last year" she continued in a gaze "yeah you win" Caroline commented as I held Elena's hand.

I walked down the halls towards history when Ric stopped me "Stefan's here" my eyes widened  "what, why" Ric shrugged as Stefan appeared next to me "hello Jayla, Ric" I tensed at how close Stefan was "what you guys talking about" Stefan asked causally "nothing I was just going to history" I went to turn in the opposite direction when he grabbed my hand tightly "umm Jayla history class is that way" he said gesturing to the opposite side of the hall "let go of me Stefan" I said calmly tugging my arm down "Jayla do you really think I want to repeat another day of high school so if I have to be here then so do you" Ric placed his hand on my shoulder "get your hands off her" suddenly Stefan pinned Ric to the wall "you really need yo stay out of my business Ric" Stefan sneered "Stefan let him go now" I snapped. Stefan released him and stepped back smiling "I'll see you both in history".

I sat in my usual history seat next to Elena while Ric began teaching, the door opened gaining my attention as Rebekah, Klaus' sister strolled in "who are you" Ric asked as Rebekah sat down in the seat on the other side of me and smiled sadistically at Ric as she lent forward "oh I'm Rebekah, the new girl and history happens to be my favourite subject".....

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