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Jayla's P.O.V

The dance hall was decorated beautifully, Caroline really pulled out all the stops. Damon kept his arm securely wrapped around my waist the entire time, as if he was scared I'd disappear "there's Caroline and Tyler" I pointed out as I dragged Damon over towards them "Caroline this is amazing" I told her gazing around the hall "thank you" Caroline gushed as she looked Damon and I over. Damon rested his palm on the small of my back "do you want to dance" I smiled and let him pull me on to the dance floor "what was it like in the 20s" I asked Damon as he spun me around "I spent the 20s pining after Katherine" "what a wasted decade" I said with a a small smirk, suddenly a slow song came on and Damon pulled me close so my body was pressed against his. I rested my chin on his shoulder as we danced "Damon about Denver-" Damon cut me off "don't worry about it" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued to dance "mind if I cut in mate" I froze and turned to see Klaus standing in front of us in a white suit, Damon glared at Klaus but I gave Damon a look. Damon signed and kissed my head "I need to talk to Stefan anyway" he said before disappearing.

Klaus placed his hand on my waist and we slowly began to rock to the song "you look beautiful" Klaus complimented but I didn't reply "you know Jayla, you would have loved the 20s. The clothes, the music and the women danced til they dropped" I scoffed slightly and turned my head to look at him "I don't suppose they partners dropped" Klaus smirked and tilted his head sideways "don't be so mean love, but then again you do look rather sexy while you insult me" I rolled my eyes at him, suddenly he pulled me closer to him so my body was pressed against his "maybe one day you'll let me take you away from this small town, then I can show you the beauty the world has to offer" I looked up at him as he stared down at me with a serious expression. I stepped back pulling away from him "but I know your not ready for that, but one day you will be" Klaus said confidently, I just stared at him trying to read him.

"Klaus" Klaus turned to see Tyler and that's when I decided to quietly sneak away. I found Damon in the corridor with Stefan and Jeremy "whats going on" they all turned to look at me, Jeremy moved to stand next to me "Ester's back and she took Elena" Jeremy said, I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach "well what are we waiting for, we need to save her" I rushed towards the door but Damon caught my arm 'she surrounded the school with salt so we cant leave. Bonnies working on a spell so get us out" I shook my head at his words and pulled away from him "I'm not a vampire, I can leave and help her" I stated quickly before turning around but once again Damon caught my arm and pulled me in to his chest, I struggled against Damon's grip "no definitely not, we don't know what Ester's planning or even where she is. We just have to wait until Bonnie breaks the spell" Stefan explained standing in front of me "okay" I agreed.

Damon kept his arms around me clearly trying to make sure I don't make a run for it when he's not looking, he knows me so well. I sat on the school desk opposite Bonnie as she worked her magic, she had taken a few drops of my blood so she could do a locator spell, I sat patiently as she chanted "Ester's fighting me, how could she be channeling that much power" Bonnie muttered as Klaus stormed in to the room "I know where she is, she's a cemetery tell the humans to get their weapons ready" Klaus stated as he lent against the wall "why the cemetery" I asked pushing myself off the table, Klaus turned and looked at me "because that is where I tore her heart from her chest a thousand years ago"

Matt and Jeremy had gone to the cemetery with guns and I couldn't help but panic because now both of my siblings were out there and I had no clue on what was happening "everything is going to be okay" Stefan reassured "how do you know" I snapped back, we were standing at the entrance of the school waiting for Bonnie to break the spell. Klaus came walking towards us "you know this is your fault, you sent us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost" Klaus told Stefan bluntly. Stefan turned to look at Klaus "oh I'm done with revenge and as far as Ester, we stopped her before and we'll stop her again" I smirked as I mentally highfived Stefan.

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