My Basic Lifestyle and Home

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Intro to the story-
It's been ten years since Elizabeth and Lucas had their pride and joy, "Avery Claire Smith" the name Avery means, wise. Avery's middle name Claire means, clear and bright! Elizabeth really wanted to keep her last name and have Lucas's last name "Darling" like her last name, but Lucas wouldn't give in, (sadly). Avery has grown up into this wise, clear, bright, and beautiful girl. Her parents have money that can buy and Avery is living the fabulous life that all little girls dream of and nothing can't beat that Avery thought and she always told her parents that she would never marry a guy because "boys are icky" but that all changed when Avery got into middle school and puberty.
So let's begin with this story
Today is July 10th, 2016
It's summer and Avery will be in 6th grade (middle school) this year! In exactly two months school starts again. Avery is nervous but also excited at the same time because they have a certain amount of time to get to their lockers and unpack their things and be they have four minutes between every period and EVEN in the morning! So Avery is afraid she will be late to class and if they have 3 tardies for being late for class then they get after school detention. All the students get to pick which special classes they want, their choices are "Exploratory, Choir, or Band." Avery chose Exploratory and Choir because Avery loves to sing/act and model.

It is 7:30 am. Avery hates mornings, all Avery could hear this morning was her alarm clock going off the song it plays is, "My House" so it gets really loud! Ten minutes after Avery's alarm clock goes off she finally gets out of bed and gets ready for the day. Avery thought to herself, "Hm what should I wear today? I think I'm going to go down the playground program today so I should probably wear a two fingered tank top or t-shirt and sporty shorts. So Avery went in her huge closet and looked for clothes to wear for the day today. Avery was throwing clothes every where and looking for something cute to wear, Avery finally found the outfit she wanted to wear today it took her twenty minutes to find her "perfect" outfit. Avery's outfit was her two fingered Victoria's Secret Pink tank top it was a (light orange) with a pocket and the letters "Pink" were on the pocket of her shirt in white. Avery's outfit also, had light denim shorts with pockets in the back of them and distressed pockets in the front that would pull down that were white. Avery laid out her outfit to check and see if it was appropriate and looked good. "Perfection!" Avery said to herself. Avery got dressed and put her outfit on and got the other stuff that you have to wear everyday (bra and underwear). Avery had all of her clothes on now so she decided she would downstairs and eat breakfast real quick! When Avery got downstairs her dad "Lucas was at the kitchen table reading emails on his laptop and doing business work. "Morning sweetheart!" Said Lucas to Avery. "Morning dad!" Avery said back. "Where are you going today? You look all dressed up!" Lucas said to Avery. "Oh I'm just going to the playground program today it starts at 9:00 am. So I have to get there early." Avery said to her dad. "Alright I was just wondering, need a ride down there?" Lucas said to Avery. "Yeah I do that would be great if you could drive me down!" Avery said to her dad. Lucas smiled at Avery, "Yep." Said Lucas. Avery opened up her fridge and looked for food to eat. "What to eat, what to eat." Avery said to herself. Lucas gave Avery a weird look with one eyebrow raised. Avery laughed at her dad. When Avery got her breakfast all set up she sat down at the kitchen table and ate her (healthy) breakfast because her parents are all about healthiness!

When Avery was all done with her breakfast she rinsed her plate off and put it in the dish washer and went upstairs to her bathroom. When Avery got in her bathroom she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and whitened them with her whitener brush for her teeth. When she was all done with that she went back in her bedroom and put lotion on her arms and legs and then wiped off the lotion that was left on her hands because Avery hates the feel of lotion left on her hands. Avery put her "Hawaii Palm Trees" socks on, they were white and light orange so they kinda matched her shirt. Avery went back in her closet and looked for shoes to wear today, Avery wanted to wear sneakers today so she could play basketball with the boys today. Avery decided to wear her Nike light orange glitter kicks. Those were Avery's really expensive shoes but she wanted to show off to the boys (like always). Avery picked up her clothes in her closet when she was done putting her shoes on (it was mess because Avery always throws her clothes around every morning)! When Avery was done picking up her closet she went over by her night stand and unplugged her phone and checked to see what time it was, it was 8:30 am. "Crap I gotta get going soon!" Avery said. So Avery rushed to put her sunscreen on and packed her bag up for the day. Avery ran downstairs and went in her moms office where her mom was. "Mom, can you please do my hair and like fast?" Avery said out of breath to her mother. "Yeah sure, sure. You have your brush and hair spray stuff?" Avery nodded her head and handed her mom the hair stuff. Avery plopped down on the floor and sat still so her mom could do her hair. Avery's mom fishtailed Avery's hair as fast and neat as she could. It took her mom fifteen minutes to do her hair. When Elizabeth was all done with Avery's hair she put a sparkly and shinny headband on Avery's head so it would hold the braid in place nicely she pinned her hair and everything so when she played basketball with the boys it wouldn't fall out. When Elizabeth was officially done with Avery's hair she sat all the hair stuff down on her desk. Avery stood up and turned to her mom. "Thank you, thank you! I love you make sure to pick me up from the playground program at 2:50 pm.!" Elizabeth agreed with Avery and everything and kissed her on the head goodbye. "Hurry dad I have to go it's already 8:50 am.!" Avery said to her dad. "I'm coming don't rush me Avery!" Lucas said to Avery while putting his hoodie on. "Avery Claire put a hoodie on right now it's kinda chilly out!" Avery ran back up stairs and put on her black/white reversible jacket from Victoria's Secret Pink and ran back downstairs to her garage where her dad was waiting in his truck for Avery. When Avery got downstairs she grabbed her bags and stuff she headed outside and hopped into her dads truck.
As they were driving along Avery was putting her extra stuff in her duffle bag. "Avery make sure no one steals your stuff because if they do your screwed and I'm not buying more!" Lucas said to Avery. "Yes dad I know, remember mom bought me a locker down there and I can put my stuff in it and lock it? Oh can I also have like $15 for lunch from the gas station place where all the kids get their lunch and stuff?" Said Avery to her dad. "Oh yeah I forgot sorry sweetheart and yes I'll give you $15 for your lunch today but I'm not going to do this everyday so start packing too, got it?" Lucas said to Avery. "Yes dad and thank you I love you!" Avery said to her dad. When they arrived at the playground program it was 9:05 am. Avery hopped out of her dads truck and waved goodbye to him and stuff. When Avery got in the building she was the second student there from the playground program. She signed in like the normal schedule and put her stuff in her locker and locked it. As Avery was sitting in the building on her phone some boy came in and Avery had started feeling like there was some kind of crushing feeling. "Yes of course I have a crush on that boy!" Avery thought in her mind to herself. When the boy was done signing in he looked at Avery with a smile. "Hey wanna go shoot some hoops with me? Or do you not play basketball?" The boy said to Avery.

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