Exploring New York City

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It was 6:00 in the morning now and Avery and Jacob were getting up and getting ready for the day. They ran out of the hotel laughing and left the hotel in the morning at 7:00 am. They decided what they were going to do for the day and it was going to be amazingly special! The first thing they did was go to Starbucks. They each got the same thing Jacob really never had been to Starbucks so he just got the same thing as Avery. Avery ordered a mocha with lots of drizzled Carmel and chocolate chips and whip cream. When they left Starbucks with their drinks they headed off to the Statue of Liberty. They rode on a boat to get to the statue. While they were on the boat Jacob was giving Avery a piggy back ride and Avery was taking videos on Jacobs phone and of her and Jacob on Jacobs back and posting the videos on his snapchat story. It was so cute because he kept tricking her and pretending he was going to drop her. When they arrived at the Statue of Liberty they asked a women if she could take a picture of them standing in front of the statue and the lady did. They were hugging each other's sides and smiling. When the lady was done taking the pictures the lady had taken three and they picked out of the three pictures which one was the best. When they picked what picture was the best Jacob sent the photo to Avery since they were taking pictures on his phone. When they were done exploring the Statue of Liberty and taking pictures of the beautiful place they rode back to their location on the boat.

Now Avery and Jacob were going to go shopping at all these fancy stores in New York City. When they got in the Disney store they looked for samba because samba was one of their favorite Disney characters. When they found the selection of samba stuff. They looked for matching stuff. They both got a samba stuff animal that was of samba when he was little. The samba stuff animals costed $20.00 each. When they put the samba stuff animals in their cart they kept looking around for stuff. Avery took Jacobs Chapstick and started running around the store looking for a shelf to put his Chapstick on. Jacob was now chasing Avery around trying to get his Chapstick back. When Jacob finally caught up to Avery he grabbed Avery by her waist and hugged her until she would give his Chapstick back. Avery gave Jacob his Chapstick back and kissed his forehead. As they were searching around in the Disney store for stuff Jacob found an aisle of couple stuff. There was so many cute couple stuff that Avery and Jacob didn't know what to pick. It took them thirty minutes to decide what they wanted from the couple stuff but they finally decided what they wanted. They were getting matching backpacks Avery's backpack said "I miss him" and Jacobs backpack said "I miss her" the backpacks were also in galaxy so it made it even cuter and the letters were in white it costed $60.00 each backpack, they also got Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse key chains that the mouses were kissing and holding hands and they were magnetic so when you would put they key chains together the mouses would look like they were kissing and holding hands it costed $15.00 , and they got matching t-shirts that were galaxy and said "May the force be with us" in white letters and in the back of the shirt had a heart it costed $30.00 each shirt. Avery and Jacob kept looking around in the Disney store looking for stuff they wanted just for themselves. Avery got a jewelry book that was gold and had Jasmine things all over it (Avery got that for her mom) it costed $30.oo, Avery also got a Aladdin's golden hat (for her dad) it costed $30.00, Avery also got a phone case that one half of it was golden and the other half was black the case said "Once apon a dream..." It was really cool and it meant that good and evil could be together (Avery got that for herself) it costed $40.00 and the last thing Avery got was a Snow White pillow that had a designed of Snow White eating the apple before she dies. It was in black/white expect for Snow White and her red apple (Avery got that for herself) it costed $50.00. That was all that Avery got for her self. Jacob got a short sleeve t-shirt that was white and the front of the shirt said "Every Prince Has A Princess.." in gold letters it costed $40.00, he also got a magic ball that had mixed colors of purple/black/sliver/gold/ and glitter it costed $20.00. That was all Jacob got for himself at the Disney store. Avery's total cost of everything she got for herself was $150.00. Jacobs total cost of everything he got for himself was $60.00. The total cost of everything Jacob and Avery got together was $235.00! Jacob said he would pay $135.00 and Avery said she would pay $100.00! When they were all done checking out they both looked at each other "We sure did get a lot of stuff from the Disney store and spent a lot of money!" Avery said to Jacob trying not to drop the bags. "I know but it's all worth it because I'm with you!" Jacob said to Avery. They were out of the store now and looking for a taxi so they could drive back to the hotel to drop off their stuff. "You know what lets just walk back to the hotel so it doesn't cost even more money to have someone drive us back to the hotel." Jacob said to Avery. "Okay sounds good!" Avery said.

When they got back to the hotel and entered their hotel room all the boys were on the coach playing video games as they saw them walk in the boys started laughing. "You guys only went to the Disney store?" Hunter shouted! The boys started laughing again. "No we have to many bags so we're dropping off our bags and then going back outside and explore New York and go to other stores." Jacob said to Hunter. So Jacob and Avery put their stuff in their bedroom and separated the stuff and put each others stuff on their beds and left the hotel room and left the hotel to go back out exploring. When Avery and Jacob left the boys went in their bedroom and looked at the stuff they got. They first looked at the stuff Jacob got, they were laughing really hard and teasing him about the stuff he got and Avery got. As Avery and Jacob were walking around New York City they saw Hot Topic so they went inside. Jacob was so scared of Hot Topic and all of the sudden he saw a unicorn mask, "Oh my gosh it's a monster!" Jacob said in a weird voice. Avery started laughing all of the sudden and grabbed the mask and put it on Jacobs head and took a picture of him on his snapchat story and Avery wrote, "Check it out!" with the unicorn emoji. As they were wondering around in Hot Topic Avery saw a alien emoji pillow. Avery grabbed the pillow and hugged it. Jacob had his phone now so he took a picture of Avery hugging the alien pillow and put it on his story he wrote, "She loves them alien pillows" with a laughing face emoji. Avery bought the alien emoji pillow from Hot Topic and it costed $25.00 Avery paid for it and then they left the store. So Avery and Jacob kept walking around New York City. They have been walking around for ten minutes now and Jacob was getting bored because he wanted to do something with Avery. It was 12:00 in the afternoon now. "Let's go the rich people stores!" Jacob said to Avery. Avery agreed and they went in a "rich" place where "rich" people shop. As they were looking around in the store Avery saw a tux that was really hot Avery thought and she really wanted Jacob to try it on. So Avery got Jacobs size and brought the tux over to him and begged him to try it on. Jacob went in the dressing room and tried the tux on when he came out of the dressing room to show Avery, Avery took a video of him checking him self out in the mirror. She posted it on his snapchat story and then talked to him about the tux. Jacob went back in the dressing room and took the tux off and put his regular clothes back on. Avery and Jacob didn't find anything they liked so they left the store. "Avery why don't we go to a store where you and me could find dressy outfits." Jacob asked Avery. "You mean like I could find a dress and you could find a tux?" Avery asked Jacob. Jacob explained to her what he meant and he wanted to find a dress for Avery and a tux for him and have them for if they ever have to do anything special. So Avery and Jacob went to a store where they sold dresses and tuxs. When they got in the store Avery went by the dress selections and Jacob went over by the tux selection. Avery found a dress that was short length and two fingered sleeves and glittery and sparkly and rose pink. Jacob found a tux that was black with a white shirt underneath it. They both tried on their outfits in different dressing rooms. Thy both came out of the dressing rooms at the same time and looked at each others outfits. "You look really handsome!" Avery said to Jacob. "Thanks but you look gorgeous!" Jacob said to Avery. Avery blushed and looked in the mirror to see what she looked like in her dress. Jacob walked up beside her and looked to see how he looked in his tux beside Avery. "I love you!" Jacob said to Avery and hugged her. "I love you more!" Avery said to Jacob and hugged him back. All of a sudden Avery gets a call from her mom and her mom freaking out! Avery kept trying to calm her mom down but then Avery dropped her phone after what her mom said and started crying.

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