The Blonde Beauty

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It's been 2 hours now since Jacob has been writing Avery a "love" letter and he finally was finished and it said, "Dear Princess, You're the center of my world and universe you make me feel like someone special better than anyone else. But when did I become so cold? Where's the person the person I use to know? Where are my feelings I no longer feel things. It kills me inside and I'm scared to live, I'm scared to die? I'm paralyzed. Where is the real me? They must have left?! You're so beautiful Avery! You don't let feelings bring you down, you build up from those hurtful words and be the bigger but yet stronger person that's what is so unique about you perfect❤️ You're amazing, you're perfect in every way even when you wake up and have no makeup on and when your hair is a mess you're still PERFECT and I mean PERFECT! I know you're probably disappointed that I'm leaving but we could still have something. I know always long distance relationships don't always work out but we could make it work out we could be better than in the movies or stories even better than really famous people's relationships! Please Avery stay the same person you're now because in the end you will be you and that's all that matters. I love you my blonde beauty❤️😘"

Jacob sealed up his letter for Avery in a "fancy" envelope and after he had sealed the letter up he wrote on the back of the envelope "Avery🌓" and he went downstairs where his mother was sitting on the coach eating chips he asked his mother if he could run over to Avery's house real quick to give her the note and his mom said sure so he threw on his hoodie and headed out the door and walked straight to Avery's house. When Jacob had arrived at Avery's front door he put the letter on the door mat rang the bell and then ran as fast as he could back to his house. Lucas heard someone ring the door bell so he stood up from his recliner and went to the front door and opened the front door no one was there but then he looked at the ground and saw the letter. He looked at the note for a few moments then picked up the note looked around his yard to make sure no one was watching him and he shut the door all of the sudden really fast and he went up the stairs to Avery's bedroom. Lucas opened Avery's front door of her bedroom and handed Avery the note. Avery looked confused and gave the note a strange look and then asked her dad to leave so he left and then she shut the door.

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