The Pool Party Announcement

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Today is July 12th, 2016
It was 7:00 am. and Avery was getting up for the day. Avery looked at all the feed she had gotten on her phone and there she saw was a follow request from Drew! Avery was so happy that she jumped out of bed and screamed with joy while jumping up and down.

Elizabeth and Lucas leaned up in their beds turned their heads facing each other. "AHHHH!" They both screamed. Now Avery heard them scream, she laughed and she accepted his follow request and requested to follow him back. Avery placed her phone on her night stand and went in her closet to get ready for the day. (As always..) but today was different Avery knew because today was the pool party at her friends house, "Faith" and Faith told Avery that she had to invite a boy! So Avery thought what boy she should invite and she knew exactly who wanted to invite and that was Drew. Avery went on with her regular morning routine and threw her clothes around and tried looking for something to wear for the day finally, Avery found something that she wanted to wear. It was a white long sleeved light dress and her black ankle boots that her mom got her yesterday while she was shopping! What a perfect outfit Avery thought. After Avery got her clothes on she went in her bathroom and brushed her hair. Avery wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her hair today so she decided she would just leave her hair natural. Avery laid out the jewelry she wanted to wear too for the day, it was a lokia bracelet that was the regular color and her diamond earrings. Avery went back in her bedroom and started packing the stuff she wanted to take to her friends pool party for the night because everyone was staying the night that came! Avery was all finished packing up her things for the pool party today and grabbed her phone and phone charger and headed downstairs where breakfast was waiting. When Avery got downstairs to the kitchen she sat all her bags and stuff down on the floor. Everyone was still sleeping in Avery's house but they knew that she had to go the pool party today and Avery was getting picked up by her friend Faith's mom so that was good.

Avery was all finished eating breakfast and everything so she wrote a note for her parents to know that she left and stuff so they wouldn't worry about her. Faith's mom pulled up in Avery's drive way so Avery grabbed her duffle bag and phone and phone charger and headed outside to her friends moms car. When Avery got in their car Faith's mom said morning to Avery and everything. Of course Faith just ignored her mom and kept texting people on her phone (like always...) When the girls got to the playground Faith's mom just told Avery to leave her bags and stuff in her car she would put them in Faith's room when she got home. Avery agreed with Faith's mom and waved goodbye to her. "I can't wait for this party! My parents won't be home for two weeks and my aunt is watching me and she said I could have a pool party boys and girls were welcomed as long as we weren't kissing or anything. When Avery and Faith were done signing in, Avery went over by the basketball court to see if Drew was there yet but he wasn't there when Avery was about to turn around Drew surprised her and scared her from behind her. "Oh my gosh Drew!  You scared the heck out of me!" Avery said to Drew trying to catch her breath. "Oh sorry Avery I just wanted to surprise your I'm sorry." Drew said to Avery nicely. Avery expected his apology and told him everything was okay. "Hey Drew wanna come to a pool party with me tonight? There will be a lot of people there and I was suppose to bring a boy my friend said so I thought I'd ask you?" Avery said to Drew while (kind of) flirting. "Uh yeah sure! What time is it at and where is it at?" Drew said to Avery. "It's at Faith's house and she's throwing it there will be no parents and she's aloud by her aunt which is bad but oh well. You can walk home with us to go and everyone that comes has to stay the night she said!" Avery said to Drew. "Alright here let me go home real quick and pack my things up!" Drew said to Avery excitingly!

Drew walked back home so he could pack up his things for the party. He asked his mom and everything and she agreed but he might of slightly lied about where it was at and who's house it was at.... (Bad mistake!) When Drew was back at the park the playground program was over with now and they all headed to Faith's house where she was throwing her pool party! As they were walking along Drew asked Avery  if he could talk to her alone for a minute. So Avery and Drew stopped to talk and they told Faith they would catch up later and stuff. "So.. What did you want to talk about?" Avery said to Drew. "Well I was wondering if we could maybe go out sometime or like hang out you know as friends?" Drew said to Avery nervously. "Yeah of course I would love to!" Avery said to Drew nicely. He was shocked and meant to say date but he was afraid that it would be to soon. So they started walking along again to Faith's house.
Author Time
As you guys can see the picture for this chapter of my story that's what Avery looks like if you guys were all wondering. (I know right she's so pretty and adorable and Elizabeth and Lucas sure did make a pretty good lucking kid!)

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