Jacobs Secret...

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As Avery and Jacob were walking along Avery asked Jacob if he loved her. Jacob told her of course he did but then it came out of Avery's mouth, "I know you have been texting another girl... Why Jacob? Why did you have to do this to me?" Avery pleaded now Avery's eyes were weld up with tears. Jacob was so confused but then he remembered how he texted that one girl... "Oh my gosh Avery I'm so sorry! I thought it wouldn't go so far with that girl. I love you with all my heart and I swear!" Jacob said to Avery looking into her eyes... Avery looked back into Jacobs eyes and shook her head and walked back to the hotel alone... Jacob stood froze for a minute staring back at Avery all of the sudden Jacob went after Avery to try to apologize but she was already at the hotel...

Avery was now at the hotel and trying not to cry in front of a bunch of people. Avery was now in the hotel room and as she stood in front of the door way all the boys turned around and looked at Avery all confused. Avery stared at them for a second and then started crying. The boys jumped off of the couch and ran over to Avery to comfort her and ask her what happened. Avery explained to the boys what happened and told them that she would be fine and that she wanted to be left alone for a little bit. The boys agreed and let Avery be in her bedroom alone. The boys were now standing by the door waiting for Jacob to come and talk to him about the situation.

When Jacob arrived at the hotel he went up stairs to go to his hotel room and try to work out this whole thing! As Jacob was entering the hotel room all the boys swarmed him asking him "how could you do this to her, are you out of your mind!" All these different types of questions and remarks... Jacob explained to the boys how he met the girl and what she was saying to him and showing them the messages. Jacob went in the bedroom that Avery was in and talked to her. When Jacob got in the room he sat next to Avery on her bed. "Look Avery I can understand if you don't want to talk to me but I love you and I'm so sorry that I did this.. To make it up to you I've decided I will write you a love letter and see if it helps for you to forgive me.." Jacob said to Avery disappointed in himself and then walked out of the room...

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