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It's been 20 minutes and Avery was still having a fit. Avery thought and thought how she could see Jacob and talk to him.. "Oh I know! I can FaceTime him!" Avery said to herself and she went over by her nightstand that was beside her bed and she grabbed her phone and got on messaging. Avery texted Jacob and said, "FaceTime like now!" Avery waited for Jacob to text her back she was sitting on her bed looking at her phone biting her nails and kind of shaking for some reason.

Finally Jacob texted Avery back and said, "Ok well I have something to tell you too and it's very important I hope you don't take it hard." Avery waited a minute to text Jacob but she ignored his text and just tried face timing  Jacob. Now Avery and Jacob were face timing but there was a long silence.. "Look Jacob I had a dream that you cut your wrist with a knife because you felt if you couldn't have me in your life then why should you still be alive and all this other stuff, it was just total craziness!" Avery explained to Jacob. Jacob sighed and sadly said, "Avery I might be moving away.. That's means I'll probably not you see you anymore if I move." Jacob said to Avery. Avery's eyes open wide and she had a disappointment feeling like she's never had before.. "But what about us? I love you Jacob what would I do without you? Please don't leave me!" Avery pleaded to Jacob. Jacob was silent and said, "I'm sorry but that's how things go.." Avery glared into the screen of her phone and looked deep into Jacobs eyes and said, "If you loved me why would you leave me?" Avery hung up on FaceTime and sat her phone aside. Avery was holding her knees tight up by her face and trying not to cry. "I know I always cry but I'm emotionally heartbroken all the time. I can't control my emotions and feelings I have, my brain does.." Avery said to herself. Avery was now listening to sad depressing music while balling her eyes out.

Elizabeth had a deep feeling that Avery was crying she felt like she could sense Avery crying. So Elizabeth slowly walked up the stairs so Avery wouldn't hear her walking up the stairs. Elizabeth walked slowly towards Avery's bedroom door and put her ear against the door trying to listen to what Avery was doing and she could hear her sobs and moans from crying.. Elizabeth was now heartbroken and felt that she walk into Avery's bedroom but don't.. So Elizabeth walked back down the stairs and went in her bedroom and looked through old pictures and yearbooks of her when she was younger. Elizabeth started crying all of the sudden because she felt bad about Avery crying and not doing anything about it.

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