Intro to Being Trans

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So, my first tip. There is no correct way to be trans. Just be your beautiful self and you're already there.

When you first figure out that you're trans, there are different levels of confusion. Some people figure it out and then they just know that that's what they are, no doubt about it.

This is not always the case. Sometimes, there is a lot of doubt and confusion surrounding whether or not you're really trans. I'll use myself as an example here.

When I first heard the term transgender and learned what it meant, I couldn't stand the thought. I identified as genderfluid because I had never been an exceptionally "tomboyish" kid. I thought that since I was feminine, that I couldn't possibly be trans, even if I did feel more like a boy. It took a long time for me to actually identify myself as trans. It took an even longer time for me to accept my identity and tell a few friends.

My point is, you don't have to know right off the bat that you're trans. It's okay to be confused. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it may take a while to accept and figure out your identity.

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