Don't Worry, You'll Make It

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No matter how difficult times get and no matter how bad things seem, they can get better. You just have to let them. Come to terms with who you are, and don't let the rude words of others get you down. Water off a duck's back, my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings.

I was in a really bad place a while ago, and I'm still in that place but I'm slowly coming out of it. I never used to smile for real. In fact, I don't think I truly have in almost two years. I wasn't ready to accept myself. I'm still working on that, but now that I'm trying, things are already looking up.

It takes effort to get where you want to be. Your family may not support you, and you may not have many friends, but you don't need them. It is nice to have a support system, and probably almost essential. However, you can build one. Go out and find one; don't wait for it to find you.

There are good people out there; ones who will accept you and support you no matter who you are. For me, that was my cousin, my girlfriend, and my three closest friends. My family shunned me, and my other friends showed acceptance but not support. I would be dead if it weren't for those five people I just mentioned. I love them all so much, and I know they share the feelings.

They're there for me and they helped me start to pull myself out of that dark state. I could never thank them enough for that. You can find that, too. A year ago, I wore dresses and girly clothes so I wouldn't hurt my family, but now I realize that I don't need to worry about them. They may be related by blood, but I chose my real family. Those five people are my real family, and I hope it continues to grow.

Be who you are and who you want to be and show the world. Don't be who your family expects you to be. Break free from that barrier and things can and will get better. That, is a promise.

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