Frequently Asked Questions

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Hey, guys, so I get a lot of personal questions. For some reason, people seem curious about my specific life. I dunno, but I figured I'd answer some of the ones I get a lot on here. So these are questions that I've either been asked on here, on some other social media, or in person.

Q: Do you have a dick?
A: Do you?

Q: So, you're a boy who wants to be female?
A: No, I'm a boy who was born with a biologically female body.

Q: Have you had top surgery?
A: No, I'm only sixteen and my parents aren't supportive.

Q: Are you on T?
A: No, unfortunately. I do vocal exercises to keep my voice somewhat deep, but T has not yet graced my system.

Q: Do you experience dysphoria?
A: I actually made a whole part about that. Yes, I do. Quite frequently. Mainly chest and stomach dysphoria, but also dysphoria surrounding the pitch of my voice and my proportions.

Q: How old are you?
A: 16

Q: How long have you known you're trans?
A: About two, maybe two and a half years.

Q: When did you first get a binder?
A: About a year and a half ago.

Q: How'd you feel when you got your first binder?
A: Ecstatic. My friend actually ordered it for me because my parents were unsupportive, but when they gave it to me, I was so happy. I remember trying to get it on and failing miserably, but when I did get it on, it was like my world flourished from a sad, dying bulb into a healthy, thriving rose.

Q: Do you deal with any anxiety associated with your gender?
A: I do. Actually, I'm going to make a part about dealing with that stuff, but yes, I have been known to break down and have panic attacks when I hear my birthname and stuff like that.

Q: Are your parents religious?
A: Very Christian, yes.

Q: Are you religious?
A: Yes, I'm Wiccan. It's a very loving, accepting religion and I am glad to be a part of it.

Q: How do you deal with bad parents?
A: I wouldn't say my parents are bad parents. They just don't support the trans thing. That's only one part of my identity, and I really wish they would support it, but if I steer clear of the topic, for the most part, everything is pretty good. My parents are very caring and I know they love me. They just don't understand me.

Q: Do you have any religious friends?
A: Yes, actually, one of my best friends is very religious. However, she still supports me and agrees with the fact that God preaches love and acceptance. She doesn't really approve of people hating on others. She has this saying that I assume is a quote from the bible or something, "love thy neighbor like thou loves thyself."

Q: Are you feminine at all?
A: I would say I have both feminine and masculine attributes. I love stuffed animals, and I don't have anything against the color pink. I have been known to wear flower crowns and make relatively feminine gestures. But I also love hockey and football, playing catch with my dad, and wearing plain old jeans and tees. I eat meat and potatoes, but I enjoy a piña colada or a strawberry daiquiri from time to time(virgin, obviously). I'm into planes and cars and boats especially, but I also love romance movies and novels. I think everyone has some feminine and some masculine attributes.

Q: Are you a salty ho?
A: The saltiest.

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