Passing MtF

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Obviously my knowledge on this subject is limited, but I've done a bit of research and talked to a few of my trans friends so I'll leave my findings here anyway.

Let's tackle hair first. Remember, make sure you like your own hair. You can grow it out to be long and feminine, but you can also leave it short and still pass. Just make sure it looks relatively feminine and make sure you wear it confidently.

Walking: A lot of trans girls tend to exaggerate their walk in order to seem more feminine, but that really just makes you come off as flamboyantly gay. I'd suggest toning down your walk, practice tucking, and walk with this technique. Small steps, of course adjusted to the natural length of your stride, and walking almost as though you're on a tightrope. One foot almost in front of the other, but not fully. Just practice that motion and sway your hips a little, but not too much.

Make-Up: Make-up is great; use it. It really will help you pass, but don't cake it on. Make sure everything matches you and accents your specific features. I don't know a whole lot about make-up, but if you could look up tutorials that show you how to cover up an Adam's apple, that would be awesome. Those are often what give trans girls away.

Voice Training: It's difficult, but you can work with your voice to make it sound more feminine. Look up tutorials and get in touch with other trans girls.

Clothing: Wear what you want, of course, but don't excessively accessorize or make yourself stand out. The more serious attention you draw, the people will think about you and put things together.

Those are all my tips. If any of you have other tips, please leave them in the comments. They could come in handy to any trans girls who didn't find these tips to be quite enough.

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