Corrolation to Sexuality

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Your gender does not fucking equal your sexuality. I apologize for the strong language, but I cannot stress this enough. Your gender expression can sometimes be influenced by your sexuality and by stereotypes surrounding it, but not even close to always.

Transgender does not equal gay. And to be properly trans, you don't have to identify as straight. You can be a trans guy and still like guys. I have a good friend who identifies as such, but he's very secure in his gender identity. In fact, he starts T in two months.

You can be a trans girl and identify as gay. If you like girls, then that's awesome. I do too. I'm asexual and FtM, and even I think boobs are great.

You can also be trans and identify as straight. You can be in a straight relationship. Even if you aren't straight, you can be in a straight relationship. Don't feel like its betraying the community, but don't feel like you're required to be straight either.

I've witnessed multiple accounts of hate against trans people in straight relationships. People in our own community, saying things such as "you're a traitor because you're straight." That is unacceptable. But so is, "how can you be trans and still like the opposite sex?" I've received both of these.

I identify as panromantic/asexual. I have the capacity to like people regardless of gender. As such, I will date who I want to date. I don't care what other people say, because I know I'm staying true to my identity. I've found an amazing girl who I intend to ask out in the very near future. If she says yes, I will be in a straight relationship. I might get hate for it, but I won't care.

Because gender and sexuality are two very separate things. Please understand that.

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