First Day For A New Start

557 22 3

Kera Neverson.

Just checked up on Curvy Q since I couldn't be there because I'm  pregnant and once the baby comes out I wanted to give it my undivided attention. But for now, Seriya and the usual people is there helping me out. I didn't know how long I'd be out but, let's hope I eventually go back to work.

"How was your second day?" I question Layla and Jayden as they walk in.

"Okay." Replied Jayden as he takes out the bag of pizza rolls from the fridge.

"Well, soccer try outs are tomorrow at four or I might do dance." Layla says taking out her homework folder. I nodd putting the pizza rolls in the oven, while Jayden strolls out of the kitchen.

"Did you see Khanari today?"

"Yeah." Even though Chris' daughter Khanari was younger by one year, they acted the same. Almost if they were the same age.

Trey barges into the house with August, Seriya and their daughter Anaya. She two years younger than Layla but and they all act a like.

August says a quick hey, Tremaine kisses me on the cheek, just when the go to Trey's home studio.

"Hey. You look like you ready for delivery." Seriya laughs but, I rolls my eyes.

"I am." I say sighing.


"You pick up any girls yet?" Trey asks as, we eat dinner at the table. Yet if Layla likes a boy then it's a big discussion.

"Yeah, this girl in my math class. She fire, so I went over a talked to her." Trey and Jay fist bump but I continue to eat.

"What you do today Lay?"

"Mostly review for now." I take a sip of my cold ice water. "Can we get a dog?" Layla asks out of the blue. She's been wanting a dog for a while now, though this thought came out odd.

"A dog is a big responsibility. You gave to clean after it, feed it, walk out and spend time with it." I replied wiping my hands off with a paper towel.

"I know I really want one."

"We'll see."

"Daddy. You already said that." She whines irritatingly.

"Layla when not finna go back and fourth about when you getting a dog." Says Tremaine.

"But, you say the same thing every time."

"Mariah." When ever Trey called the kids by their middle name, they knew to stop.

Dinner was finally over, the kids went upstairs while Trey and I cleaned up the kitchen.

"You wanna finish baby shopping tomorrow?" Asks Trey.

"Yeah." We didn't find out the sex of the baby because we wanted it to be a surprise.


Comment and vote for the next chapter otherwise I'll update next week. Next chapter will be longer. What do you think the baby will be? Boy or girl. Comment! like the story so far? Excuse Mistakes.

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