Make It Up

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Tremaine Neverson

So much random shit's been happening with Jayden, Kera, Nia and to top it off my two week tour had to be pushed backed a little later. I need a date with my music, and a day off period.

Currently Nia, Jayden and I were looking for a place. I wanted them fairly close, and into a better neighborhood and environment for Jayden. His arm was doing better and he's now the boy I raised.

We get out my Rolls-Royce and went to sight see the place. It was a good distant from my house, and had a nice structure to it. Considering we've already been to two houses.

 Considering we've already been to two houses

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"Hello and welcome." The real estate agent said as we walked inside.


"Im Sarah your REA for this house. Shall we take a look around?" She asked as Nia answered and we got started.

"So the upstairs and most of the downstairs is carpeting, it is a three bedroom, three bathroom. The bedrooms are pretty big, you can look for yourself. Patios in each with one downstairs leading to the backyard." She continued showing us the place and from the looks of it could be a possible choice.

Kera Neverson

Today I took the kids out for a photo shoot. As I was driving the music lowly, my phone rung and it was mama April.


"Haven't seen my grand babies in years. That hurts."

"I know, we all been busy. But once we leave this photo shoot we'll definitely stop by. How you been?"

"Good actually."

"That's good, Layla grandma on the phone."

"Hey G'ma."

"Hey Lay. How was your date?" I giggled while Layla blushed and looked confused.

"How do you know?"

"Your mommy told me."

"Anyways it was great."

"Oh that's nice. Well alright Ker."

"Alright mama." I pressed the end button and continue to park the car.

I got Adrian and my CoCo Chanel bag out the car, Layla hopped out and I locked the doors. Quickly we went to the back, and got started.

"You makeup looks great Lay." She didn't have a ton of makeup on just so mascara and a little eye shadow. Her dress was a soft pink and her hair was long and straight.

"Thank you so much Jake." Jake was her stylist.

"Your so welcome boo." He placed the hair brush down as Adrian started to fuss.

"Dre don't cry." I say kissing all his face and he immediately stops and smiles.

"You ready?" The photographers say setting the camera lights and equipment.

They start snapping pictures of Layla by herself and some with Adrian. I took pictures also posting some on Instagram. My photogenic babies.


"Hey Kera." Mama April gives me a hug.

"Hey babies." She says hugging Layla and grabbing Dre out my arms.

"How you been?" I ask her as she sighs happily.

"I've been alright. Can't complain."

"Trey out house shopping?"

"Yea, crazy what happened to Jayden. But I guess now he knows these blood abd crip gangs is no joke." She nodded.

"Layla gonna be outta school when Trey go on tour right?"

"Tour-- Trey ain't tell me nothing about no tour."

"Well, I'll let yall talked about that." She walked away before I could ask any further questions.

Tremaine Neverson

Jayden, Nia, and I had just walked in from house shopping, and eating dinner. It was already eight thirty so Layla and Dre are most likely gettibg ready for bed.

Nia and Jayden went to their guest bedrooms as I walked into the kitchen grabbing a flavored water.

"What's this about a tour Trey?" Kera comes out of no where.


"You heard me. What two week tour you going on?"

"A tour I going on with Dj Drama.

"When are you leaving?" I sighed evidently.

"Two days."

"Two days!?"

"Yea." My hands go up in defense.

"And I had to find out from mama April, when you planned on telling me. Were you planning on telling me?" She shouts a bit.

"Our course baby," I kiss her forehead. "I'll make it up to you love."

"Your promise?" She pouted.

"I promise on you and that ass ima get, watch." I kissed her neck as she giggles.

#WritersBlock. More suspense coming soon!  Chapters been kinda lazy lol.

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