Off Guard

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Tremaine Neverson

Kera went out to the boutique this morning as Adrian, Layla, Jayden and I watched a movie. I have three great kids, and I need to appreciate them more.

"Daddy do you love mommy?" Layla asked out of the blue. It definitely caught me off guard.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Why you ask?"

"I don't know..." She giggles cuddling next to me. I guess it was just karma sneaking up on.

Lauren (three weeks before)

Trey and I had just departed from the studio. He gave me a hug as I smelled his cologne in the process. Oh my he's just so fucking perefct. I love Trey. We've been with each other every since we we're kids living in Virginia. Once we moved to California we fell and loss touch, he's married to a hoe. The bitch makes me sick. She knows nothing about Tremaine like I do. I've known him the longest, I was his everything. He lost his virginity to me, he told me he loved me first, and would have had our first child. I was his number one.

Trey means everything to me, and for him to treat like just someone he knows. What the fuck, I mean I deserve way more respect.

The day of the argument

I giggled remembering the times Trey and I were young and in love. Trey srunches his face in confusion.

"What?" He asks.

"Member that time you kissed me for the first time. You were more nervous than I was." I joke remembering those days.


"Trey stop! So what I wear a size C cup bra give it back." I yell at him.

"Nope!" He laughs holding his stomach. "I remember the first time you told me, you and your mom was going bra shopping. Shopping at Walmart for bras, and now your wearing this Victoria Secret shit."

"So what!" I climb on him as he lays on the floor, reaching for my bra I kiss his lips. He was a bit nervous but, he got the hang of it.

I pull his braids as he finally quits and hands me my bra. He leans with a weird smile, while I put my bra away.

"That kiss..." He says leaning next to me.

"What about it?" I kiss him again, and this time he smiles.



I chuckled remembering those times Trey and I had. I miss that. I miss him.

"Yeah." He chuckle laughingly.

"Then things went left." I said hurting a little.

"You still on that?"

"It still bothers me Trey! I should have been your first. You treat me like crap."

"Laur, you on some new bullshit. My family comes first what we had was a long damn time ago. You know your boundaries with me."

"Wow. So I come second after all those night you snuck at my house wanting sex because of your parents. And I give in. Then we lost our--"

"That was damn near sixteen years ago."

"You know what I'll find someone else to do this music shit. You know where I stay, come getcha' music shit. No need for me to come here no more!" I walk out sighing.

Twenty minutes later I walk inside pulling out my Ciroc out of my cabinet. I hated that he treats me like this, I needed more. I wanted more.

Sipping from time to time, I pull out my Vodka almost gulping that down. Anything was needed right now. All of a sudden my head spins and I feel dizzy. I have a plan to make Trey come to me...

The next day

Trey would be coming over any minute to get this "music" of course, he wanted it and that's when things started to play out. Putting on sexy underwear and bra to pretend like I was getting ready for bed.

Suddenly I hear his car pull up and I stay in my bathroom. I guess he finally walked inside, knowing I was home. I knock of my bathroom stand and lay next to it to pretend like I fell.

Hearing him come up the stairs seeing me in my undergarments I knew I was looking. He helps me up as I act as if I so hurt.

"What happened?" He quizzed concerned. Aww my baby cares about me.

"I fell Trey." The way he looked in that damn shirt. I was going to make his dick happy. "Damn you came early." I say as he helps me up I groan in pain, just when he instruct me to the bed.

Tremaine sits next to me, making sure I was okay. Holding my head down I break down into tears. I should've been in the acting business while as Trey as my husband.

"You alright?"

"No. I still think about him. It haunts me everyday of what I have done Tremaine."
I say wimperring. It does sometimes because, seeing Trey's face reminds me of the baby. I mean I never saw it, I had a abortion but, I could've pictured what it could have looked like.

"Look he's safe now."

"How can you say that, that was our son. Your first child. I should've and would have been your first. And you treat me like..." I broke down even more, as he grab my arms hugging me. I love how muscled he is, and my favorite cologne on his. Damn!

He unhooked from the hug as my lips crashed into his. Forcefully I pushed my tongue in my mouth, playing with himself in his pants. Yes, my man was getting hard and I loved it.

I kiss him trying to make him horny but, he pushes me away. All because of the bitch, Kera fuck her she ain't shit and got my man wrapped up around her finger.

"Stop! I have a wife!" He yelled pushing me away from him.

"Trey don't you still love me? We can make this work!"

"Lauren get help." He tells me and my blood boils. That bitch needs to fucking die or they need to get a divorce. Something! Tremaine is meant for me and all yall know it. This bitch got something for her watch just watch!

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