We Miss You

373 14 3

Kera Neverson

The kids and I agreed on going to the beach with my sister Korea and Brittany. Seriya was planning her wedding with August so she'd be busy. Layla grabbed her things that she wanted to take and loaded the car.

Korea's husband would be cooking on the grill so there was no need to take, any extra food. I grabbed Adrian placing him into his car seat and we headed off.


The kids playing in the water, where we could keep an eye on them, as the girls and I drunk wine coolers. I missed Trey already and wanted to taste his lips right now.

"Kera! Kera?"

"What?" I chuckle being snapped out of my thoughts.

"Whatchu thinking about?" Korea asks me with a smirk.

"Trey probably." Brittany answers.

"Aww you miss Trey?"

"Mhm." I say playfully grabbing the Oreos, taking a couple out.

Standing up with the girl as Korea's husband and his friend finishes, the meats. The women head to the water. Dre was on my hip ready to feel the water, but as soon as he got down he'd cry. My baby.

Placing him into a pool noodle he felt a little bit if the water, so he wouldn't cry. He then stars to splash just when I kiss his little lips.

"Da da da." He says because Trey isn't here and he misses him.

"Daddy not here Dre, we'll talk to daddy later okay." I spin him a little as he smiles moving his little butt.

While Layla and Korea's oldest daughter played with Adrian, I snap pictures, post them on snapchat and Instagram. Dre is so hype and energized today. Korea's husband signals us over for dinner as we exit the water.

Tremaine Neverson

"I'm loving you tonight, wait no I'm fucking you girl..." I sung Touchin Lovin featuring Nicki Minaj.

Quickly heading off stage to go sign some autographs and sell some merchandise. No breaks, in this game right now.

I remove some sweat of my face with a towel siting down in between two body guards and TeamSongz. The first person walked in appearing to look at least eighteen.

"OMG! Trey!" She says showing me her shirt which was a picture a me in the 'Everybody Say' video.

"I love your shirt ma." I smiled.

"Thank you." I signed her a photo of myself and kissed her hand.

"Next." One of my body guards say as the next person enters.


After signing what at least over a hundred pictures, along with taking a few fan photos I was beat. My eyes were reckless and my body felt bothered. I've haven't been getting the proper sleep at all, so tonight I was going to go to bed early.

TeamSongz and I decided to go out to dinner since the two week tour was nearing a end. Sitting down at the table in NYC, it was nearing seven. I then FaceTime Kera. Adrian's face popped up immediately just when I smiled and started to speak.

"Hey Dre, hello." I cooed.

"Da da da da da." He replies happily to see my face, this definitely warmed my heart.

"Daddy's right here." I sigh.

"Hey Tremaine." Kera shows up upon the screen.


"You look tired."

"I am."


"Haven't been getting sleep."

"Oh." She says giving Adrian whatever he started fussing for.

"Whatchall did today?"

"Korea, Brittany and the kids went out to the beach. Korea's husband cooked out on the grill." She replies with a little yawn.

"Where Lay?" The waiter places a plate a salad in front of me, with a glass of cold water. I thank her, as she smiles.

"Playing with Mace." Adrian starts cuddling next to Kera and I knew my little man was tired.

"Well let me eat. So I can get some rest."

"Alright." She hangs up just as I set my phone down eating some food.

Kera Neverson

"Mommy?" Layla grabs my attention.


"How long is daddy gonna be in tour?"

"A few more days." I smile, both my babies were now missing Trey. "Tomorrow we'll go to CHC and help the less fortunate."

"Okay." She snacks on some popcorn watching reruns of Full House. Adrian is now a sleep when my phone suddenly rings and its Seriya.

"Hello." I pick up.

"I'm not fucking getting married to August. The damn wedding is off everything is off. I don't want to even think about him anymore." She blurted furiously.

"Well hello to you too, damn..."

"Sorry Kera, I'm just done."

"What happend?" Curiosity creeps upon me.

"He's a fucking bitch. We got into a argument and he pushes me against the wall..."

"What did yall fight about?"

"Because I was telling him, his new video shouldn't have any many naked hoes in it. And he damn sure shouldn't be feeling on them. Then he complete snaps on me saying I'm moody and inconsiderate."

"Well you can't help how you feel about the video or your emotions, your hormones are from zero to a hundred everyday. Your his soon to be wife, girlfriend, fiancé--"

"I called it off. I'm done with him." She sniffled sounding as if she'd been crying for the past twenty four hours.

"You serious, Riya this is big."

"Yea, good thing we didn't get married now I see his true colors." She says blowing her nose.

"You going to be alright?"

"Yea boo."

"Okay bye, and calm down. Keep the baby safe." She replies an okay and goodbye. I wonder if she's really calling the wedding off.

The wedding's off?! Aww Dre and Layla misses they're daddy😭 Comment and vote.

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