He's Coming

413 17 5

Two months later

Kera Neverson

Lately my contractions are worst to the point where I'm crying horribly. Being pregnant wasn't a joke, of course you get this wonderful human being but carrying the child feels like a pain itself. Then you feel fat, ugly, hungry and moody. Adrian was definitely going to join karate or play soccer when he's out because all he does is kick.

Thanksgiving was a happy blur. I mean all I remember is eating and being pregnant. Our families came together as one in this big ass house. Christmas was right around the corner and so was Adrian but, he couldn't come out any faster?

Layla in Jay were in school, whole Trey made something downstairs. I laid in bed not wanting to move, so Trey brought up whatever he cooked.

"Thank you." I said softly just when he kissed my lips.

Momentarily my body suddenly hurts and I feel different, a wet pool comes between my legs know realizing that my water just broke.

"Trey! Tremaine my water just broke!" I said once he rushes over to me helping me put on my leggins. "We need to go to the hospital now." My hands, and arms shake from being so nervous.


Trey and I were in the delivery room while I was having inferior contractions. No one needed to talk or move right now. Trey called everyone while I was waiting to deliver, but Trey was the one one in the room with me. The doctors told me I needed to wait an extra five to ten minutes to make sure the baby was safe to come out but, I couldn't take more longer.

"Tremaine, get him out of me!" I inquire in a high pitched voice squeezing Trey's hand.

"Okay it's time." A nurse says followed by doctor's and such. Sweat increased and so did my heart rate. Right now, my feelings were terrified and petrified.
Trey held my hand, as they instructed me to push.


Just got done pushing baby Adrian out just when Tremaine cut the umbilical cord. Adrian was a slight bit harder to push than Layla, and I don't know if the change of sex. They had just gave Trey baby Adrian wrapped up in a hospital blankets. He was crying when he got out but, some how feel asleep sortly.

 He was crying when he got out but, some how feel asleep sortly

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Adrian Kyree Neverson

Trey acted as if he went to medical school for years and now he's a certified doctor, just because he cut the umbilical cord don't mean shit. But, I am blessed to have a real man in my life because Tremaine's everything to me. Trey gave Adrian to me as I saw his little face. Another Trey twin, along with Jayden. He's resembled Trey so much, it was unbelievable.

"Hi baby I'm mommy." I said talking to him, but unfortunately he was sleeping. He came out a month early so he's premature.

Every one gradually came in wanting to hold or look at the baby. I was so tired my eyes were burning. Trying to get some shut eye from everyone oohhing and awwing to the baby.

Tremaine Neverson

My son, baby Adrian was my everything along with Jayden and Layla. There were a big part of me and I love them.

Not everyone left, Chris, Brittany, Seriya and August with the kids; came later on. Adrian was still sleeping but all of them loved to watch him. Layla was overjoyed seeing her new baby brother, and Jayden was chilled about it.

Kera finally woke up from her five hour nap she was taking. It was past eight o'clock as the kids ate slices of pizza from the café. Kera's hospital food was sitting there looking like what hospital food usually looks like.

She squirmed a bit until she woke up and rubbed her eyes. Chris and the rest left about ten minutes ago since the kids had school, Layla and Jayden were staying with uncle Chris until Baby Adrian and Kera got out of the hospital.

Slowly and carefully, she got out of bed going to the bathroom. I watched a little College football until she got out of the bathroom from washing and changing.

Baby Adrian starting crying for the second time for one of the usual new born baby reasons, hungry, diaper change, or cuddling. Grabbing him trying to sooth him because I guess he was hungry.

Kera comes out fully changed with her hospital pajama on. Properly setting herself up, I place Adrian in her arms, as she adjusted her breast so he could eat. They say breast feeding was easy and healthier for the baby because it was more natural milk.

"How you feeling?" I asked watching this beautiful scenery.

"Okay, earlier I was in so much pain. Unbelievable pain." Adrian's hand goes on to Kera's chest, as I smile. He was so tiny and delicate so when he moved it was amazing.

"How long that food been sitting?" She asks referring to her hospital food.

"About an hour."

"Can you warm it up for me?" I nodd grabbing the food, taking it to the kitchen.


Baby Adrian is sleeping as Kera and I lay watching My Wife And Kids. She was drained out from the baby obviously and I bet this hospital too.

Baby Adrian 😍 is here! The pic of him, is in the middle of the chapter.

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