Unconditional Love

357 16 4

Kera Neverson

I just made it back home from doing a few hours at Curvy Q and hanging out with Marcus crazy ass. Layla came back, during breakfast telling us all about it. I hit the locks of my Benz hearing yelling from the window. I unlocked the door hearing the noise even louder. I place my purse in the kitchen grabbing my fruit salad catching the elevator upstairs.

"What happened?"

"Daddy let Adrian crawl into my room, he made Kristen's eye crooked and pulled some of hair out!" She yelled with tears coming from her eyes. She showed me the doll and sure enough to it was ruined.

"Layla you have other dolls, or I can buy you a new one." Trey said nonchalantly.

"I don't want a new one!" She closed her room door very upset.

"Tremaine you know how much that doll means to her! She has had that since she was six. Why you let Adrian crawl in her room! You were supposed to be watching him." I say placing a few mouthfuls of fruit in my mouth.

"It Isn't really a big deal." He defends. I smacked the back of his head walking into our bedroom. "I'll just get her a new doll. Plus she got like five others! And those dolls almost two hundred."

"That one is special to her Tremaine. It's like if one of your Rolex's got messed up." I say putting my hair into a ponytail.

"My Rolex's are ma' baby's so don't even use that as an example." I smacked the back of his head again, just as he squeezed my ass extra hard.

"Keep it up." He licked my nose.

"Stop! I think they have a doll hospital. Give me your credit card since you let this happen." He sighs giving the card to me and taking my fruit.

"That's mine." I pout.

"Thank you." He replied as if I said he could have it. I apply mascara giving myself a once over before going to check on Layla. I was a little girl once so I understand more of what little girls know what is special. She had that doll for two years, so it's now sentimental.

"Lay..." I say seeing her cry her eyes out under her blanket.

"It's going to be okay. They have the American Girl doll hospital. We can take Kristen to the store, and get her better plus I got daddy's credit card." I stroke her hair helping her calm down.

"Really?" She asked moving her tears.

"Get ready and stop crying, I'll do you hair real quick." I said calmly.

She was finished with getting ready, looking on her iPad at the AG doll hospital holding Kristen. I rubbed my belly as we caught the elevator downstairs.

"Yall heading out." Trey said now eating watermelon. Layla walked past him grabbing a juice box.

"Yea." I said.

"Layla you can say thank you since I'm paying for it." Trey said with a smile on his face.

"You should've never let this happened, and I'm not talking to you after this so thank you mommy." She said unamused going to the car. Trey just watched her leave rolling his eyes.

"I pre seasoned the ribs, so all you have to do is put them in the oven, boil some potatoes and watch the kids." I say kissing his forehead.

Twenty minutes later.

Layla and I made it to the store, as she gave them the doll to fix. We picked out some outfits and the new doll table set she wanted too; all on Trey's credit card. My phone makes ping sound as I read the message from Tremaine.

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