I Need To Know

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A week has progressed

Kera Neverson.

It was nearing Valentines Day and I couldn't wait to see what Trey got me or has planned. He's been so dim and down lately and I didn't know why. I've been trying my best to ignore it, because this isn't the Trey I know and love.

Adrian now turned three months today. For the most part he was a pleasant baby, I mean I would know I've been the only one taking care of him.

Getting out of bed Tremaine comes in carrying Adrian with a smile on his face. Hopefully he's in a better mood today.

"I made breakfast." Trey says as he kisses my cheek as I rub Adrian's little booty.

"Where the kids?" Even though it was Saturday they love to be doing something.

"Downstairs. I think we should go to the park today." Tremaine suggested.

"Okay. Glad your in a better mood. Isn't that right Adrian." I cooed at him as he starts making spit bubbles.

Slipping on my slippers, I reach the kitchen already smelling the turkey sausage. "Mhm..." I moaned a bit. I loves Trey's breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Seeing a perfectly prepared plate in front of me filled with, turkey sausage, eggs, grits, and toast.
I say a quick prayer, now digging into my food.


"I wanna push the stroller." Layla says as we leave out. We were walking to our neighborhood Park since Trey decied on that. I definitely didn't mind, more exercise for me and fresh air for him.

Jayden walks ahead probably on his phone, Layla pushes Adrian in the stroller, while Tremaine and I walk hand in hand. It was warming up a bit, so I had on my capri pants, Adidas and American Eagle shirt.

We finally arrived at the park as Layla starts running off to her friends from school. Jayden is obviously being himself, as Trey and I sit on the bench.

Trey was in a better mood today and I thank God. Seems like if Trey's not in a good mood, I'm not in a good mood, and it just keeps going.

I then text Seriya. Knowing her and August, they probably getting it now.

Myself- Hey

Seriya- Today a nice day out.

Myself- know, me and the fam at the park.

Seriya- Trey in a better mood...

Myself- Yeah, I didn't know why he was acting so strange? Where Aniya.

Seriya- Her and Aug went to August's mom's before we leave to go to see Doc Mcstuffins the play lol.

Myself- Oh, I bet she gonna love that.

Adrian starting fussing but, this time I didn't get him. His daddy did, for the first time in a while Trey feeds Adrian. Now you see my point as to why I've been pissed. Seeing Trey take care of his son, warms my heart but when he doesn't it stresse' me out

Rian drinks his milk as Trey and Adrian stare at each other. It was the cutest thing, once Trey hums a song Adrian immediately smiles.


Adrian was down for his nap, while Jayden and Layla ate lunch in the kitchen. Tremaine went upstairs, so I guess the good mood wore off. I open the bedroom door seeing him put on the patio.

"Trey can we talk?" I asked stepping out as he acknowledges me.


"What's going on, you've been like this for what two weeks now."

"Nothin' just thinkin about life ya know. I'm happy I got my family, my wife. Don't worry I'm fine. Adrian sleep?" He changes the subject.

"Okay. And yeah." I kiss him. Maybe he was telling the truth, as his wife I should have a right to know why he's feeling like this.

-Authors Note

getting writers block 😩 most days not feeling it but got some new books coming for the summer guys📚 if you have any ideas for books or this one? Hit me up peeps.

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