Let Me Know

395 17 1

Christopher Brown

The following days been awkward with Brittany and I. She'd be with the kids, myself at the studio. We haven't been doing anything, or talking. I dont know what was going on with me, I just felt so unconnected with her and myself period. The kids were finally in bed ready for the next day. Brittany was dressed up like she going somewhere.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Chris, I can't do this. Us anymore I can't! Its way bigger than you missing Valentines day. We have no connection and I need a fuckin break. I'm so sick of the bullshit." She grabed her luggage crying.

"Brittany, baby...Brittany." I pulled her arm.

"Chris stop!"

"I'm sorry." I said. Was I? What did I actually do besides miss Valentines day?

"Let me go. And fuck you!" She walked out of the house, maybe even out of my heart, and our marriage? I was heart broken, right now I just been so busy with work and not focus with no one. Not even my wife and kids.

After hours of thinking: why would she do this? I hopped into bed trying to get some sleep and not think about this. Maybe she'll come back. I love Brittany, the mother of my wonderful children I guess I just need to fix this and grow up.

The Next Day.

Kera Neverson.

"You ready for school?" Layla nodded. She was off punishment but, was still off. Usually she's more cheerful and such.

I packed her lunch in her lunch box setting it on the counter. I placed her bowl of cereal in front of her with a glass of orange juice as she just stared at it unamused.
Trey came down mouthing what's wrong with her but, I shrugged.

"Layla what's wrong?" Trey asked

"Nothing." She gave a fake half smile.

"Something is wrong. Your off punishment, daddy's not mad anymore."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Just dont pull anything like that again." He kissed her forehead, cheek and picked her up.

"I love you daddy."

"Love you too baby girl. Eat up so I can drop you off." She nodded and ate some of her cereal.


Three hours later Seriya popped up here to talk about her wedding that we both were excited for. Trey realized that Layla forgot her lunch, so he put on his Nike Slides to take it to her.

Trey: "Where Aug?"

Seriya: "I think he at Lucas."

Trey: "Oh." He left.

Tremaine Neverson

Riding down the streets, in the fresh air I felt a lot better and relaxed with Kera every since our vacation. I cut Lauren out my life, and things went back to "normal" as it could possibly be.

Once I made it to Layla's school with her lunch box, and a quick sign in with the front desk, obviously they crushing on ya boy. I went to her classroom, while the students were doing math or whatever in groups. I knocked on the door as her teacher answered, crushing on ya boy.

"Hello Tremaine nice to see you."

"I'm just dropping on Layla's lunch." Layla finally looked my way and ran towards me.

"Daddy!" She ran into my arms and kissed my cheek.

"Hey baby girl, you forgot your food."

"Oh." I put her down as she grabbed her lunch.

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