Baby Shower

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The day of the baby shower

Kera Neverson.

Nothing better than a Saturday morning being said today was my baby shower that I'm pretty sure my mom, and Mama April spent months on, they were more excited than Trey and I.

Trey's leg and hand wrapped around me as he snore on my neck. It was kind of cute and irritating at the same time. I felt him shift waking up as, we faced each other.

"Good morning beautiful." Waking up to his face, I would never get tired of seeing.

"Morning." I cuddle next to him relaxing for approximately fifteen seconds before Layla barged in the room; fully dressed and ready to go with her American Girl doll. Yet she can't get dress like this on a school morning.

"Um, Miss. Neverson could you explain yourself this moring." Trey says sounding like a English professor.

"Okay so it's nine ten on the dot, the baby shower it all eleven and you two can't be late. Only fashionably late. I'll be your assistance for today." Layla explained having her nerd glasses on looking adorable.

"Assistant huh? What's the cost?"

"Weelll, Kristen needs a new outfit." She said referring to her doll.

"Fine we'll go to the American Girl store tomorrow." Trey said getting out of bed.

"Yay! Now Mrs. Neverson wife of my father Tremaine Neverson and mother of myself, go get dress." She smiles making my day.

"Okay assistant Layla." Getting out of my comfy bed and giving Layla a kiss while Trey tickles her.

"Kristen and myself will be downstairs making a small breakfast and you two better be dress when I get back." She says going down stairs as I giggle.


Finishing my hair into a neat also messy bun putting on my sandals to match my tan maxi dress. My baby bump was very visible but I didn't necessarily mind, and I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't. Trey couldn't keep his eyes off me.

"Don't stare." I say adding my small Rolex on my wrist.

"Why not, you too beautiful not to look at." My hands go right around his neck giving him my kisses.

"She really is making something."
Trey and I both smell food downstairs. We simultaneously shake our head in laughter. Grabbing what we needed, he grabs my hand as we walk down the steps.

Making it to the kitchen we see a plate of mini blueberry muffins, and unpackaged apple slices with mixed berries into a bowl; which was the fruit salad plus glasses of orange juice. Being said her Easy Bake oven was right on the counter, that's how she made the muffins.

"You made this?" Trey asks walking towards her just when she nodded.

"Yes." Trey kissed her lips giving her a high five.

Tremaine sat down next to me, as we said a quick prayer before we ate. We looked at each other a smiled picking up a mini muffin.
And hey they actually tasted good.

"Not bad Layla thumbs up!" I say eating some of the fruit salad as well.

"Daddy and which car will you be taking today the Lamborghini, Porsche, Benz, Ferrari, Range-Rover, Jeep or Rolls-Royce?" She says naming every car Trey has. Trey blinked twice in shock but all I could do was laugh.

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